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Friday 8 July 2016

Hold on.....Right Right

Do you like travelling?Did you travel any where till now?Of course many places na!When did you have your first travel experience?For many people according to me,might be when they are going to college.You take a bus and keep your leg on last step and hang by the door on foot board.....and When you sit in a bus peacefully and if it is struck in traffic you automatically get rage and then driver stops the engine for a moment and you peep through the window and see here and there,you even hear the conversation of people behind you and finally when the bus starts you will be very clearly immersed in their conversation and you really hurt for that.Actually there will be many circumstances where you might have gone through some funny incidents.

I got many funny incidents to share with you.It was my first time travelling in bus.I used to go to C classes as my papa forced me to learn something in holidays.He used to drop me, after the class is finished he asked me to take the bus and showed me bus stands,bus numbers etc etc.So, after a few days I go to know the buses which will go to our house; other than that I don't know anything then(As a matter of course I knew now).A lady in the middle 40's seems working as a daily cottier approached me asked "Amma,e bus Kondapalli veltunda"?(Daughter will this bus go to kondapalli?).If I wont say she'll think I dont know anything,So, I just nodded my head.That bus is about to leave then at a stretch she banged the bus and that driver stopped.She inquired about route details then the driver asked her to take another bus.Another bus came and she again came to me whether this bus will go or not. OMG,She is mad or what,I tricked her once again she came to me.To be frank I laughed like anything by telling this to many people as this is my first experience.It remained till this day.As I'm in the scene and directly dealt with the situation I couldn't control laugh.The way she ran and her slang.

Even now I have many deadly experiences.Some people sleep in buses and then I want to shout in their ears bowww,so that they will fear.And there are these ladies who throw their baskets and keep place for other ladies,and even throw their kerchiefs.These memories remain like that for years...like that only.

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