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Sunday 10 July 2016

Einstein,in whom are you there!!!!!,OMG are you in all of us

Did you ever tell any answer to question posed by your teacher?Have you ever got good marks than your friend?Did you by any chance solve any mathematical problem faster than your friend?Then the response you get from your friends or colleagues is "Hey,you're intelligent",or "OMG,you're great".

Your friends or anyone praise you for such silly things and some of you might be flattered for their complements.But when coming to reality there are few who deserve it,by their hard work.Some may be lucky at that time.When they raise you with their added stuff,you might be elevated or you might be humble or else some people brag again and repeat the incident.

The common dialogue is that "YOU ARE GREAT","YOU ARE INTELLIGENT" or "YOUR BRILLIANT".When I hear these dialogues,I pity people for giving such appreciations to others.Of course if that guy deserves it,its fine.Then I always get this query in my mind....If they are that intelligent then what about Einstein and other sci-fi scientists.Einstein through out his life time used 10% of his brain.He is a nerdy geek scientist.What about us?Are we also the same?Do we all deserve such credits really?If you deserve them accept happily but if you don't please do not get delighted with those plus points given to you.

Even the society is such.If a student get 98% in 10th then his photo will be flying in all channels,flexies and what not he is famous than prime minister of that country till the next academic results release.And they praise them with flirty words.And parents get uplifted,give him costly stuff as a gift and that fellow is a kissing baby to all. If he is really fit enough then his future academic graph goes to infinity. Certainly if the person earns credit he will be applauded.But don't fall for silly appreciations given by others.They will some time lead to your downfall.

If you are really worth enough,then you will automatically get to know,because it is you who will know the hard work behind your success.Don't excite for imbecile things because there will be great things waiting for you in future.If you attain success take a deep breath,smile inside,stay humble on outside and think of your next step which will focus you to the globe.This is what great people do.When you stay simple and calm you can enjoy your success,no need to spend money lavishly for undemanding achievements.If it is a good one,as I said you,you'll get to know.

So,Did you get how to smartly behave...This is not on me,This is what all geeks follow.Wanna be one of those then simply FOLLOW.....

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