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Friday 1 July 2016

The way you are is an added gift

Hello there,have you felt down by seeing your personality?Will you look yourself in mirror and go on see  and find out your weight i.e; have I add on weight or is any extra fat set in my body.

If you were a girl,you get disturbed by looking at all the flashy anchors and heroines in tv, and you go on praise regarding their beauty and think when will you be as they are.If you were a boy you compare your muscles with salman khan and hrithik what not every bicepy and tricepy guy,and plan to go to gym to build your muscles.You always apply many facial related stuff and want to turn into beauties and handsome guys.If you were so weighty kind of  fellow you go on running on thread mill till your adipose tissue dies out.

Why do everyone do such stuff?Why cant you accept the way you are?Do you really feel satisfied after you have gone through all these changes?

Of Course there may be multiple answers with you for what you are doing all these.Most of us are victims in this society,as we all are judged by others looks.And if someone finds other good looking they say wow,what a beautiful lady/girl or what a handsome guy.If by chance we were dark or you've been fat or short,you get creepy by other comments,than you are.In our finger pointing society we always here about good-beautiful,bad-ugly etc etc.,we automatically feel disappointed.Why do you do things because others pointed out.You look good the way you are don't you?

What the hell are you gonna do for the way you are?You are created in that way.Whom could you blame for the way you are?Your parents,God .....?You were created the way you are.How can you regret it?Beauty lies in the heart not externally.No one can replace you from the way you are.You are unique and need to be unique and keep  those who are with you in your mind and leave those who ill treat you.So,finally YOU LOOK GOOD THE WAY YOU ARE AND DON'T CHANGE FOR THOSE WHO'VE BEEN GIBBERISH TO YOU.KEEP SMILING and au revoir.

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