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Saturday 16 July 2016

GOD,you will be safe!!!

Hello,everyone.After a short gap I'm here."SUCCESS PEOPLE ARE NOT GIFTED,THEY WORK HARD,THEN SUCCEED ON PURPOSE."Have you heard about this,may be some of you might have experienced it.

When results are about to release,God is damn busy with  all offerings,and even who don't even pray to god daily also go to his idol and keep all flowers,nivedya everything,till results are announced. After that they don't know who he is.If the result is alright then they thank him.Or else god is helpless,We abuse him in a very bad way.

The point here is not about almighty.We need to prepare for it right from the beginning.Of course,this is not even possible for all of us,because we possessed the nature of reading before exams. At least start before a week or two.People who are successful believe on hard work but not on gods power.Any way his grace follows, if you do hard work.Its not about hard work or smart work,It is your attitude that counts.If you have a zeal to do,you automatically will be a successful person.But,there are other category of people who don't keep any efforts and wait for success to come with them for long.That's not fair right!!!!Think a minute,How can that happen every time.It happens once or twice,at max thrice,but if you believe in luck,you always have a boggling in your mind.But if you have conviction in you and if you are diligent then you would enjoy the fruits of  outcomes.

By seeing some students in class or even our colleagues we always go with a tendency "Why this guy is so lucky?He will get each and every thing favorably."But if you really see them you get to know what they are doing to attain that position.They really have a commitment in themselves which they couldn't show up,The outcome of that is their result. Remember "YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WISH FOR,BUT YOU GET WHAT YOU WORK FOR".This applies to most of the aspects in our life.If you get a thought that there is someone to see you and take care of you,put burden on them or dependent on them,then you remain as a steady rock till your last breath.You wont change.You need to shape yourself to attain higher standards.

Don't put your expectations on poor god on the day of your results,If you follow your lead,he will always be there protecting you and shower blessings and your life will be a blissful.

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