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Thursday 7 July 2016

Au Tuzo Mogh kortha,bhaav.nDa

                              When we leave our dear ones we automatically have a sorrow feeling right.Did that happen to you?Actually it occurred to me today itself.It happened when..........,

                               It was the first day of my sisters college and I were given a huge responsibility by my father.He asked me to send her to college.Even though I'm two years elder to her,I don't know anything,but I couldn't say no to him.We never been apart from each other but fought like enemies always.This is the first time,I felt as a MOM,very caring and responsible towards her.

                        We entered the college and were looking around,I took some of my friends with me.We were all like Sree Ramas team while they were going to battle field.My college time is running down and we need to rush up after settling this thing.We asked everyone and inquired for freshers class room,but no proper response.We still did not lose hope and asked others but in vain. Finally a senior faculty told us and  the clock sound is ticking(as if  a prisoner who need to be hanged gets his heart beat too fast).And we were rushing because ours is an idiotic and so authoritarian college.This watch man closes the door and does much show off as if he owns the college(Of course doing his duty).
                          Its time to leave.But she is still looking sad at me,that I'm about to leave her.However I showed her the way and she went.Now is the real sentimental scene.When she is walking away from me, I suddenly got much affectionate to her and went to my past,the way she used to make noise and how sweet she is to me and how she understands me and beats me when she is angry,what not everything in a span of 1/10th of a second.I turned back and she suddenly is moving away from me ans the distance began to increase.This scene would have been clicked if presented in a TV show.And  at once tears started to roll down from my eyes and my hands got wet and were filled with sweat,my kerchief even got moist from the scum of my nose.

                               That moment was magical and till that minute I don't even know that I love her that much.Hope this moment should never happen in my life and even you fellas either elder or younger care your sibling,because you shared the life.Actually what I meant was in our language we call siblings as "thobuttuvulu" meaning people who are born equally from the parents i.e who share their blood.

                          Actually did you get the title.It says I LOVE YOU SISTER.Did any incident happened to you in this way.Not only with your siblings but your dear ones also.Feel free to share and express your love.I'm awaiting for your sweet responses and memories. 

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