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Saturday 2 July 2016

Talking power of money

Ciao guys,
                   Have your life changed in past ten years. Of course you will increase in your personality.But what i meant was in your status.Definitely yeah,right.People change.Either they may incline or decline in their positions.What about you?Are the days change then and now, for you?

                        Do you know what I'm focusing on?You will get to know.Suppose you are fitly enough in money see the response you get from your neighbors and society.Suddenly with in a short span if you raised in your position,you can analyse the difference in the way people speak to you.Don't you?They go on praise you and stay attached to you as bees stay around a flower.That's actually money talking.I think this word might be puzzling you.You know alcohol talking and dirty talking,Where the heck did this Money talking come from?

                              This is which comes when you earn lots of money.People talk to you differently as I stated earlier.You will be able to analyse yourself.One side you will be happy that everyone is around you.But let your inside come out. Deep inside,you think in this way "These people couldn't remember us  in past years,but how could they come now?"This is exactly what you think of.Come on agree it.

                                Money makes many things and  changes many lives also.If you want to achieve respect you need to run after money.Come up with multiple ideas(good way) and sharpen your brain how to earn lot some.Those days where  people used to give respect based on your knowledge and your loyalty are gone.So,you understood right.To be in a top position you need to do what everyone is on,if by any chance you deviate your track then it is YOU who is gonna suffer.Even though people act in strange way(outside) it is exactly what they think within.There are really very low percent of awesome people who recognize you as a person don't miss such people in your life.But we need to see the majority,right!They treat you in terms of money,for those you shouldn't give a chance to degrade.So,be serious in your life.

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