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Sunday 31 July 2016

Poor Bummers!!!At least now utilize your right to vote

Hola fellas,
                  How you guys doing?Today I've come up with a very fixated mind to make your heart speak to my questions.One day or the other I think you'll get married.Till now(then) we(Indians) blindly believe in our parents,for any decision in our life.Even for marriage also we put our belief and faith on them and go on.Here I'm telling about the maximum percent.

How can you blindly accept a person into your life you've barely known for 2-3 months,For a person to establish faith it takes minimum 6 months or even more.But we nod our heads and stick to their word.As we are made married before 1000's of people,we need to go with him/her till the end,Come on guys,how can a person be intimate with another not even knowing him/her?This is like forcefully making our mind to set on a person.

When we were born,we didn't choose our parents.,even our siblings and relatives too.We have a wonderful opportunity in choosing our friends and future mate.Even for friends,we don't go on deep thinking I think.And the remaining one is LIFE PARTNER.Actually for the rest of 60-75 years she/he is gonna walk hand-in-hand with us,Don't we feel culpable of it.We hear many jokes on wife-husband relationship,After marriage they seem their life to be destroyed,and be all gibberish.

Dear,awake and choose the best one.If you take wrong resolution in your studies,you get a chance to rectify it and its a different issue.Your life should have a meaning in the way you lived and lead it.Before nodding your head before anyone vote for the best one.Never show your dumbness and prove to your parents and the world that you are their best sons and daughters.What the heck are they gonna do when you lead a disgusting and sadistic life.

"ARISE,AWAKE AND STOP NOT TILL YOUR GOAL IS REACHED",said Vivekananda.Probably he might have applied first two words for taking this(I meant in choosing life partner) decision.Kidding yarrr....Be wise when you are taking crucial pronouncements.

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