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Tuesday 26 July 2016

Universe and human stupidity are infinite

Hey everyone,
                      How is life going on..?Let me hope its fine and good,Did you ever get first rank in your school or college?Had your boss appraised you for completion of our project?What was your feeling then?You feel uplifted and if success is next to you always how do you feel???We discern that we got every thing and we don't stay on the ground.We be in our own imaginative world.If we suddenly attain success and there'll be distance unknowingly if we behave awkward to them.Why cant we be in the same way as before??

People get to know the strains when they are in dire situations.If our graph in life is reaching heights and if the standard is in apex or at least constant position,we do not bother and we will be like NO WORRIES.But there is this cliche "Future cannot be predicted,It depends on our attitude and abilities".When we suddenly change it is unbearable to people who be with us.Many of us get horny character and behave in insolence manner with others,which is too bad on our parts.

People,reminisce of what you are,and how you used to be.Never look people down after you attained to good position.You are the one who came from that group,this is what you need to remember and keep saying to yourselves throughout your life.God has gifted everyone with something.By looking at others we have an opinion that those are damn lucky and we start criticizing God for what he gave us.
The way you are born is unique,you have your own talent,but we guys dump it in deeper layers of heart and do not let that show outside.You bring that and put it in your hands and keep in your efforts and you will notice your results.You are a real inspirer to yourself.

Fellas,Treat Men equally and they have their own talent which you did not possess.Lend a hand to those who need you,Under no circumstances show your aggressiveness in your attitude towards others and always be down to earth whatever position you might be in.This is the greatest quality which is possessed be winners in the world.This will never bring dark spot on your character it instead escalate you as an individual.Take you as an inspiration and motivate from one who you like.Be always on cloud nine..and be like a dog with two tails.

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