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Sunday 31 July 2016

Poor Bummers!!!At least now utilize your right to vote

Hola fellas,
                  How you guys doing?Today I've come up with a very fixated mind to make your heart speak to my questions.One day or the other I think you'll get married.Till now(then) we(Indians) blindly believe in our parents,for any decision in our life.Even for marriage also we put our belief and faith on them and go on.Here I'm telling about the maximum percent.

How can you blindly accept a person into your life you've barely known for 2-3 months,For a person to establish faith it takes minimum 6 months or even more.But we nod our heads and stick to their word.As we are made married before 1000's of people,we need to go with him/her till the end,Come on guys,how can a person be intimate with another not even knowing him/her?This is like forcefully making our mind to set on a person.

When we were born,we didn't choose our parents.,even our siblings and relatives too.We have a wonderful opportunity in choosing our friends and future mate.Even for friends,we don't go on deep thinking I think.And the remaining one is LIFE PARTNER.Actually for the rest of 60-75 years she/he is gonna walk hand-in-hand with us,Don't we feel culpable of it.We hear many jokes on wife-husband relationship,After marriage they seem their life to be destroyed,and be all gibberish.

Dear,awake and choose the best one.If you take wrong resolution in your studies,you get a chance to rectify it and its a different issue.Your life should have a meaning in the way you lived and lead it.Before nodding your head before anyone vote for the best one.Never show your dumbness and prove to your parents and the world that you are their best sons and daughters.What the heck are they gonna do when you lead a disgusting and sadistic life.

"ARISE,AWAKE AND STOP NOT TILL YOUR GOAL IS REACHED",said Vivekananda.Probably he might have applied first two words for taking this(I meant in choosing life partner) decision.Kidding yarrr....Be wise when you are taking crucial pronouncements.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Universe and human stupidity are infinite

Hey everyone,
                      How is life going on..?Let me hope its fine and good,Did you ever get first rank in your school or college?Had your boss appraised you for completion of our project?What was your feeling then?You feel uplifted and if success is next to you always how do you feel???We discern that we got every thing and we don't stay on the ground.We be in our own imaginative world.If we suddenly attain success and there'll be distance unknowingly if we behave awkward to them.Why cant we be in the same way as before??

People get to know the strains when they are in dire situations.If our graph in life is reaching heights and if the standard is in apex or at least constant position,we do not bother and we will be like NO WORRIES.But there is this cliche "Future cannot be predicted,It depends on our attitude and abilities".When we suddenly change it is unbearable to people who be with us.Many of us get horny character and behave in insolence manner with others,which is too bad on our parts.

People,reminisce of what you are,and how you used to be.Never look people down after you attained to good position.You are the one who came from that group,this is what you need to remember and keep saying to yourselves throughout your life.God has gifted everyone with something.By looking at others we have an opinion that those are damn lucky and we start criticizing God for what he gave us.
The way you are born is unique,you have your own talent,but we guys dump it in deeper layers of heart and do not let that show outside.You bring that and put it in your hands and keep in your efforts and you will notice your results.You are a real inspirer to yourself.

Fellas,Treat Men equally and they have their own talent which you did not possess.Lend a hand to those who need you,Under no circumstances show your aggressiveness in your attitude towards others and always be down to earth whatever position you might be in.This is the greatest quality which is possessed be winners in the world.This will never bring dark spot on your character it instead escalate you as an individual.Take you as an inspiration and motivate from one who you like.Be always on cloud nine..and be like a dog with two tails.

Saturday 23 July 2016

My dream is really a dream and remained as a dream

Today by seeing our teachers face we guys enjoyed a lot.Because we had NBA team visiting our college,they are rushing in the corridors and searching for  this file and that file.There was this team of 15 members.Out of them 2 members are visiting each branch.There is a guy who is short and came straight to our lab,our MAD(Mobile Application Development) Sir got tensed and he was pro fusing even though we   were in AC.Some how, he made hell and made our teachers run  like anything.After inspection is over,I went out of interest  and asked about that short guy.Where did he come?etc etc.Then I came to know,he is from one of  IIT's,the most prestigious institute in India.He made people piss in their pants for an hour.Actually I used to dream of going to IIT's.

Its because of this hi-fi looks they give when they hear about it,I think  I might have got intrigued after my 10th. I used to do a hell lot in my +1 and +2 and I barely slept for 5 hours.This happened two years and time passed like that.We used to dream but what is the result after d-day?I utterly failed.I couldn't make it out.My life is full of questions at the time of result and people started questioning me and abused back of me.But why to cry after result,no use at all.

I understood it was my mistake to  take a wrong decision at that tender age.At times even we give our cent percent efforts,we cant attain success.Then I did not felt bad and stood still.When I see people and hear about IIT's I used to think how lucky they are to be there.But everyone wont be fit to everything is it right or not?We have a saying in our language "Andharu Pallaki Ekevalu Ithe Mosedhi Evaru" which means If everyone try to sit on a palanquin who is there to carry it?If everyone who took coaching gets rank in IIT and other august institutions who is gonna study in other colleges?

Friends,If you lose anything valuable in your life don't waste your time or end your life in a desperate way.There is an awesome life you are gonna face which you couldn't even expect.This is a simple note to all guys who failed  or get less marks in your exams.Do not afraid for anyone you should be able to analyse yourself.

When I'm writing this I went to past and tears are rolling down my eyes.I request you guys not to lose hope when you couldn't achieve anything.I really miss this,and this never happens again in my life.But I'm happy at least to get IIT coaching,In this way I keep myself brave.

Hey,did you see the difference between my previous posts and this one.Find out,as this is my favourite.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Girls and ladies no no....,Even gents and boys too

Hello Sirs and Mams,
                                  Have you been to a party or a function?What will you see there?Usually ladies look at the saris worn by others and jewelry they wore.This is ladies observation.When you go to college in a new dress,all fellow mates will ask you about occasion. It is for sure,you will be easily identified in a group if you look special.Girls and women like to be flattered.Even though you argue,Girls resist flattery but its true.They don't show outside but inside they feel delighted.

Have you ever thought about how much time you likely waste deciding what to wear in the morning? It’s probably made you late to school or work more times than you can count.We waste so many precious moments concerning ourselves with frivolous details. An outfit will not change the world, it probably won’t even change your day.

This is not to say that fashion isn’t important, as it has an immense impact on culture and, in turn, the direction of society.Indeed, fashion is where art, culture and history intersect. If we look at the 1960s, for example, the way people dressed was very much a reflection of the counterculture movement and the anti-establishment sentiments of the era.There are greater things to worry about than clothes.

Similarly, as the great American author Henry David Thoreau once stated:Our life is frittered away by detail.…Simply, simplify.In essence, don’t sweat the small stuff. Make your life easier by concentrating on the big picture.Correspondingly, a number of very successful people have adopted this philosophy in their daily routines.

Why Many Presidents And CEOs Wear The Same Thing Every Day

Whether you love or hate him, it’s hard to argue against the notion that President Obama has the most difficult job in the world. As the leader of the most powerful country on the planet, the president has a lot on his plate.Regardless of what he does, he will be criticized. Simply put, he’s got a lot of important things to think about beyond his wardrobe.

This is precisely why President Obama wears the same suit every single day.The majority of the time, however, Obama wears either a blue or gray suit. In an article from Michael Lewis for Vanity Fair, the president explained the logic behind this routine:‘You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits’ [Obama] said.‘I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.’ He mentioned research that shows the simple act of making decisions degrades one’s ability to make further decisions.As Stuart Heritage puts it for the Guardian, “Barack Obama has pared his wardrobe down to such a degree that he can confidently walk into any situation and make decisions that directly impact on the future of mankind.”
The president is not alone in this practice. The late, great, Steve Jobs wore his signature black turtleneck with jeans and sneakers every single day.Moreover, Mark Zuckerberg typically wears a gray t-shirt with a black hoody and jeans when seen in public. Similarly, Albert Einstein reportedly bought several variations of the same gray suit so that he wouldn’t have to waste time deciding what to wear each morning.
This is all related to the concept of decision fatigue. This is a real psychological condition in which a person’s productivity suffers as a result of becoming mentally exhausted from making so many irrelevant decisions.Simply put, by stressing over things like what to eat or wear every day, people become less efficient at work.

Make Life Simple

Indeed, having a diverse collection of clothing is overrated. We waste so much time worrying about things that have no substantial consequences, and don’t even realize how easily we could change this.
The vast majority of us are guilty of obsessing over material things. Buying a new pair of shoes might make you feel more confident in the short-term, but it will not enrich your life in the long-term.Undoubtedly, the world would be an extremely boring place if we all wore the same exact thing every day.

Yet, we might all consider simplifying our lives a bit more by reducing the amount of time we spend thinking about pointless aspects of our day. In the process, one might find that they are significantly less stressed, more productive and more fulfilled.

Life is complicated enough, don’t allow the little things to dictate your happiness. Simplify, simplify. 

Wednesday 20 July 2016


You wanna do coding?Confused where to do?Of course many online platforms are available.But this is one where you can work freely but it has not got much reputation.So,go there and improve your coding skills.That is TREE HOUSE.

Treehouse is an online technology school that offers beginner to advanced courses in web design, web development, mobile development and game development taught by a team of expert teachers. Its courses are aimed at beginners looking to learn coding skills for a career in the tech industry.

The Treehouse learning program includes videos combined with interactive quizzes and code challenges. Treehouse Tracks are guided curricula, composed of courses that train students in large topic areas. Treehouse Organizations is designed to assist businesses, organizations, schools and community programs in technology training.

Treehouse's logo (Jan 2015).png
HeadquartersOrlandoPortlandUnited States
Area servedWorldwide
Founder(s)Ryan Carson, Alan Johnson
ServicesTechnology education
Available inEnglish
Current statusActive

The disadvantage with this is once you like the platform you need to access it for money.Of course trying to take a back step ha!!No wait and see the pros of it,If you are interested carry on. Just gave you info,learn more about it by googling it.Happy coding.

The best times are always found when friends and family are around,Don't miss them

Hey friends,
                    How you doing?This might remind you Joey in FRIENDS.What are you up to now?When you turn 21,you will be ready to face a whole bunch of responsibilities.You run and compete to succeed.Your life happily passes by when you earn a lot.But after turning 70's or 80's you find something empty.You don't know what is it now,But for sure you will experience it in future.

What are you thinking?I think you did not get anything.Here it is.You will be happily enjoying your studies,and complete your graduation.And all set done,you will be leading your life on your own.But here unwittingly you are gonna miss your family.If you are a girl you will be parted and a new family starts from you.Your life turns around those,that is a separate story.

Without a time gap,you are gonna become old and then you ponder about your sweet memories.Then you will get your childhood and college days into your mind,your lovely parents and sweet siblings.Please enjoy each and every moment in your life,and fell blessed to be born the way you are.
When you are lonely whom do you get to your mind?Consider them as your best.Live long life with them and enjoy their company.Whoever it may be.Enjoy dear,why do you worry on flimsy issues.

Saturday 16 July 2016

GOD,you will be safe!!!

Hello,everyone.After a short gap I'm here."SUCCESS PEOPLE ARE NOT GIFTED,THEY WORK HARD,THEN SUCCEED ON PURPOSE."Have you heard about this,may be some of you might have experienced it.

When results are about to release,God is damn busy with  all offerings,and even who don't even pray to god daily also go to his idol and keep all flowers,nivedya everything,till results are announced. After that they don't know who he is.If the result is alright then they thank him.Or else god is helpless,We abuse him in a very bad way.

The point here is not about almighty.We need to prepare for it right from the beginning.Of course,this is not even possible for all of us,because we possessed the nature of reading before exams. At least start before a week or two.People who are successful believe on hard work but not on gods power.Any way his grace follows, if you do hard work.Its not about hard work or smart work,It is your attitude that counts.If you have a zeal to do,you automatically will be a successful person.But,there are other category of people who don't keep any efforts and wait for success to come with them for long.That's not fair right!!!!Think a minute,How can that happen every time.It happens once or twice,at max thrice,but if you believe in luck,you always have a boggling in your mind.But if you have conviction in you and if you are diligent then you would enjoy the fruits of  outcomes.

By seeing some students in class or even our colleagues we always go with a tendency "Why this guy is so lucky?He will get each and every thing favorably."But if you really see them you get to know what they are doing to attain that position.They really have a commitment in themselves which they couldn't show up,The outcome of that is their result. Remember "YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WISH FOR,BUT YOU GET WHAT YOU WORK FOR".This applies to most of the aspects in our life.If you get a thought that there is someone to see you and take care of you,put burden on them or dependent on them,then you remain as a steady rock till your last breath.You wont change.You need to shape yourself to attain higher standards.

Don't put your expectations on poor god on the day of your results,If you follow your lead,he will always be there protecting you and shower blessings and your life will be a blissful.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

We want to change the world by helping millions of people make more difference with their careers.----80000 hours

Are you struggling with your career?You don't know how to take a forward step?You feel like taking a advice from anyone.But you don't know whom to consult.You will be reserved and confused whether not to ask them or not.So,its better to ask someone who is anonymous and intellectual Here comes 80000 hours.A point to tell you,I just dragged this from wiki,don't misunderstand me ahhh. However I'm happy to share with you.Of course after giving a glance go and google it.

80,000 Hours is an Oxford, UK-based organisation that conducts research on the careers with positive social impact and provides career advice. It provides this advice online, through one-on-one advice sessions and through a community of like-minded individuals. The organisation is part of the Centre for Effective Altruism, affiliated with the University of Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.The organisation's name refers to the typical amount of time someone spends working over a lifetime.It was one of the nonprofits funded by startup accelerator Y Combinator in 2015.

According to 80,000 Hours, some careers aimed at doing good are far more effective than others. On their framework for assessing different career options, the value of a career is regarded as depending on both its potential for impact and on the degree to which it gives the individual better opportunities to have an impact in the future.

Follow https://80000hours.org to get career advice from experts.Donot hesitate its free.

Sunday 10 July 2016

Einstein,in whom are you there!!!!!,OMG are you in all of us

Did you ever tell any answer to question posed by your teacher?Have you ever got good marks than your friend?Did you by any chance solve any mathematical problem faster than your friend?Then the response you get from your friends or colleagues is "Hey,you're intelligent",or "OMG,you're great".

Your friends or anyone praise you for such silly things and some of you might be flattered for their complements.But when coming to reality there are few who deserve it,by their hard work.Some may be lucky at that time.When they raise you with their added stuff,you might be elevated or you might be humble or else some people brag again and repeat the incident.

The common dialogue is that "YOU ARE GREAT","YOU ARE INTELLIGENT" or "YOUR BRILLIANT".When I hear these dialogues,I pity people for giving such appreciations to others.Of course if that guy deserves it,its fine.Then I always get this query in my mind....If they are that intelligent then what about Einstein and other sci-fi scientists.Einstein through out his life time used 10% of his brain.He is a nerdy geek scientist.What about us?Are we also the same?Do we all deserve such credits really?If you deserve them accept happily but if you don't please do not get delighted with those plus points given to you.

Even the society is such.If a student get 98% in 10th then his photo will be flying in all channels,flexies and what not he is famous than prime minister of that country till the next academic results release.And they praise them with flirty words.And parents get uplifted,give him costly stuff as a gift and that fellow is a kissing baby to all. If he is really fit enough then his future academic graph goes to infinity. Certainly if the person earns credit he will be applauded.But don't fall for silly appreciations given by others.They will some time lead to your downfall.

If you are really worth enough,then you will automatically get to know,because it is you who will know the hard work behind your success.Don't excite for imbecile things because there will be great things waiting for you in future.If you attain success take a deep breath,smile inside,stay humble on outside and think of your next step which will focus you to the globe.This is what great people do.When you stay simple and calm you can enjoy your success,no need to spend money lavishly for undemanding achievements.If it is a good one,as I said you,you'll get to know.

So,Did you get how to smartly behave...This is not on me,This is what all geeks follow.Wanna be one of those then simply FOLLOW.....


Hello folks,
                   I woke up with a sad look on my face that Sunday has arrived and I fear a lot because unknowingly this day ends and Monday starts.I walked straight into balcony to give a glance at paper.As it is Sunday a special book weekly will be provided.I read the national news,district news and then I lost my somnolence and started Sunday book.I feel very excited because it has several stories and filmy stuff in it.Suddenly I opened middle page and there he is THALAIVA,one of my favorites.Then after reading that article felt that morning seemed wonderful.I sat to share this with you guys.

There is this saying "GREAT PEOPLE ARE'NT MADE THEY ARE BORN".Mr.Shivaji Rao Gaekwad mononymously known as Rajinikanth started his career as a bus conductor in Bangalore and then his fortune turned step by step and he is known as SUPER STAR.I think you'll be finding his details in Wikipedia but let me share some amazing stuff he did and an austere life he spent.          

We see many people but their appraisal is'nt expected.Rajini garu started as a bus conductor and upon advice of his friend,driver Raj bahadur,he joined in Film institute.If that advice isnt given by him we might have not known super star.Till this day he visits bahadur's house and stays a week or so and this shows how humble natured person he is.When people attain success they change but raj feels very proud that rajini's attitude remained the same.

Once he sat on temple steps after performing pooja and then a lady by seeing his position gave 10 rupees.After a while when he is picking car door, that lady saw and felt sorry for what she did.He always says"If makeup and stardom are'nt there that is Rajini",and he wont give any special priority to  external touches.

While Thalapathi film shooting is going on Aravinda Swamy, went to Rajinis room.There the Ac is on and bed is so nice and unknowingly he slept on his bed.Next day morning when he woke up Rajini is lying on the floor.Then Aravind out of tension went to assistant directors and explained the situation.He was told in this way "Yesterday when sir came to room you were on his bed,so he told us not to disturb you and slept on the floor."
What not every thing is an inspiration form his life.I will post most of  incidents slowly.You people stay tuned to get my updates on him.

Friday 8 July 2016

Hold on.....Right Right

Do you like travelling?Did you travel any where till now?Of course many places na!When did you have your first travel experience?For many people according to me,might be when they are going to college.You take a bus and keep your leg on last step and hang by the door on foot board.....and When you sit in a bus peacefully and if it is struck in traffic you automatically get rage and then driver stops the engine for a moment and you peep through the window and see here and there,you even hear the conversation of people behind you and finally when the bus starts you will be very clearly immersed in their conversation and you really hurt for that.Actually there will be many circumstances where you might have gone through some funny incidents.

I got many funny incidents to share with you.It was my first time travelling in bus.I used to go to C classes as my papa forced me to learn something in holidays.He used to drop me, after the class is finished he asked me to take the bus and showed me bus stands,bus numbers etc etc.So, after a few days I go to know the buses which will go to our house; other than that I don't know anything then(As a matter of course I knew now).A lady in the middle 40's seems working as a daily cottier approached me asked "Amma,e bus Kondapalli veltunda"?(Daughter will this bus go to kondapalli?).If I wont say she'll think I dont know anything,So, I just nodded my head.That bus is about to leave then at a stretch she banged the bus and that driver stopped.She inquired about route details then the driver asked her to take another bus.Another bus came and she again came to me whether this bus will go or not. OMG,She is mad or what,I tricked her once again she came to me.To be frank I laughed like anything by telling this to many people as this is my first experience.It remained till this day.As I'm in the scene and directly dealt with the situation I couldn't control laugh.The way she ran and her slang.

Even now I have many deadly experiences.Some people sleep in buses and then I want to shout in their ears bowww,so that they will fear.And there are these ladies who throw their baskets and keep place for other ladies,and even throw their kerchiefs.These memories remain like that for years...like that only.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Au Tuzo Mogh kortha,bhaav.nDa

                              When we leave our dear ones we automatically have a sorrow feeling right.Did that happen to you?Actually it occurred to me today itself.It happened when..........,

                               It was the first day of my sisters college and I were given a huge responsibility by my father.He asked me to send her to college.Even though I'm two years elder to her,I don't know anything,but I couldn't say no to him.We never been apart from each other but fought like enemies always.This is the first time,I felt as a MOM,very caring and responsible towards her.

                        We entered the college and were looking around,I took some of my friends with me.We were all like Sree Ramas team while they were going to battle field.My college time is running down and we need to rush up after settling this thing.We asked everyone and inquired for freshers class room,but no proper response.We still did not lose hope and asked others but in vain. Finally a senior faculty told us and  the clock sound is ticking(as if  a prisoner who need to be hanged gets his heart beat too fast).And we were rushing because ours is an idiotic and so authoritarian college.This watch man closes the door and does much show off as if he owns the college(Of course doing his duty).
                          Its time to leave.But she is still looking sad at me,that I'm about to leave her.However I showed her the way and she went.Now is the real sentimental scene.When she is walking away from me, I suddenly got much affectionate to her and went to my past,the way she used to make noise and how sweet she is to me and how she understands me and beats me when she is angry,what not everything in a span of 1/10th of a second.I turned back and she suddenly is moving away from me ans the distance began to increase.This scene would have been clicked if presented in a TV show.And  at once tears started to roll down from my eyes and my hands got wet and were filled with sweat,my kerchief even got moist from the scum of my nose.

                               That moment was magical and till that minute I don't even know that I love her that much.Hope this moment should never happen in my life and even you fellas either elder or younger care your sibling,because you shared the life.Actually what I meant was in our language we call siblings as "thobuttuvulu" meaning people who are born equally from the parents i.e who share their blood.

                          Actually did you get the title.It says I LOVE YOU SISTER.Did any incident happened to you in this way.Not only with your siblings but your dear ones also.Feel free to share and express your love.I'm awaiting for your sweet responses and memories. 

Saturday 2 July 2016

Talking power of money

Ciao guys,
                   Have your life changed in past ten years. Of course you will increase in your personality.But what i meant was in your status.Definitely yeah,right.People change.Either they may incline or decline in their positions.What about you?Are the days change then and now, for you?

                        Do you know what I'm focusing on?You will get to know.Suppose you are fitly enough in money see the response you get from your neighbors and society.Suddenly with in a short span if you raised in your position,you can analyse the difference in the way people speak to you.Don't you?They go on praise you and stay attached to you as bees stay around a flower.That's actually money talking.I think this word might be puzzling you.You know alcohol talking and dirty talking,Where the heck did this Money talking come from?

                              This is which comes when you earn lots of money.People talk to you differently as I stated earlier.You will be able to analyse yourself.One side you will be happy that everyone is around you.But let your inside come out. Deep inside,you think in this way "These people couldn't remember us  in past years,but how could they come now?"This is exactly what you think of.Come on agree it.

                                Money makes many things and  changes many lives also.If you want to achieve respect you need to run after money.Come up with multiple ideas(good way) and sharpen your brain how to earn lot some.Those days where  people used to give respect based on your knowledge and your loyalty are gone.So,you understood right.To be in a top position you need to do what everyone is on,if by any chance you deviate your track then it is YOU who is gonna suffer.Even though people act in strange way(outside) it is exactly what they think within.There are really very low percent of awesome people who recognize you as a person don't miss such people in your life.But we need to see the majority,right!They treat you in terms of money,for those you shouldn't give a chance to degrade.So,be serious in your life.

Friday 1 July 2016

The way you are is an added gift

Hello there,have you felt down by seeing your personality?Will you look yourself in mirror and go on see  and find out your weight i.e; have I add on weight or is any extra fat set in my body.

If you were a girl,you get disturbed by looking at all the flashy anchors and heroines in tv, and you go on praise regarding their beauty and think when will you be as they are.If you were a boy you compare your muscles with salman khan and hrithik what not every bicepy and tricepy guy,and plan to go to gym to build your muscles.You always apply many facial related stuff and want to turn into beauties and handsome guys.If you were so weighty kind of  fellow you go on running on thread mill till your adipose tissue dies out.

Why do everyone do such stuff?Why cant you accept the way you are?Do you really feel satisfied after you have gone through all these changes?

Of Course there may be multiple answers with you for what you are doing all these.Most of us are victims in this society,as we all are judged by others looks.And if someone finds other good looking they say wow,what a beautiful lady/girl or what a handsome guy.If by chance we were dark or you've been fat or short,you get creepy by other comments,than you are.In our finger pointing society we always here about good-beautiful,bad-ugly etc etc.,we automatically feel disappointed.Why do you do things because others pointed out.You look good the way you are don't you?

What the hell are you gonna do for the way you are?You are created in that way.Whom could you blame for the way you are?Your parents,God .....?You were created the way you are.How can you regret it?Beauty lies in the heart not externally.No one can replace you from the way you are.You are unique and need to be unique and keep  those who are with you in your mind and leave those who ill treat you.So,finally YOU LOOK GOOD THE WAY YOU ARE AND DON'T CHANGE FOR THOSE WHO'VE BEEN GIBBERISH TO YOU.KEEP SMILING and au revoir.