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Friday 5 August 2016

Choose the correct option...!!!

This is really a dull hi actually.Today my day is literally disgusting.I will let you know what had happened.How do you feel when some one erupted in derision about what you do(on your career).So here's how it goes.

How humiliated do you feel when some one comment on your face about what you do and the way you behave.Today when we were in aptitude class,we had an incredible professor who is from IIT Kanpur,to train us.He has got really really extreme skill set.We enjoyed the way he out-spoke.Those words touched my heart and made a great sense and I think it is my first and best lesson till now.

He told tricks in Aptitude,for about half-n-hour.But remaining time i.e;3 1/2 hours he went across the globe with his talks and took the wind out of sails.Of course we enjoyed till some time,but later he commented that what we do is wrong,waste,holy crap what not every sensor word can be included here.I think I have never come across such type of talking in my life.We were about to step into our careers for about a month,and what the freak is he?But his words made a sense to me personally.

Dear People,If you choose a career option then consult those who are experienced,as well as pick one which has future scope.Let me give you a real life example....What did you guys think of your career to be?You choose a branch in your Graduation.You take it because your parents might have forced you/your friends opted it/by seeing those who are well settled in it.But let me compare it with another live situation.Which phone did you guys used before 10 years,before 5 years and now...See there is an amendment in what you use.And life before 10 years and after is completely different.So,what did you get. Do not blindly follow your elder generations by looking at their status and stature.

Bring up your dreams and don't let them die beneath.Follow what has better compatibility in future."We cant expect any shit from the future,never ever cant change the past;we are left with today."

I came to know how dumb decisions  we can make in our life.But I think I have a ray of hope on my career.Never again choose a wrong decision in my life,At least hope so.Be serious cronies,next 40 years of your life in one selection.

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