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Friday 26 August 2016

Falling for those, but they don't know yet!!!!

Hey guys,
               What do you look in a person when you're talking to them??? Of course, you'll be having your own spots...Hahaha.Let me be straight. More than 75% people see eyes. Yes true,, So, these mean a lot and have much weight-age So, many boys and girl run after beauty saloons to maintain them flamboyantly. And many magical moments happen with those eyes.

Gaze depends on the context you are talking about. Generally, talks can be divided into Business talks, Social talks and Intimate talks. 

While having a business discussion, you need to concentrate on a person's forehead imagining a triangle on it. If you keep your gaze directed in this area, you create a serious atmosphere and the other person senses that you mean business.


If you are having a social talk,
then let the gaze drop below the person's eye level, again imagining a triangle, this time between eyes and mouth


In the case of intimate talks, the gaze is across the eyes and below the chin to other parts of the person's body. However, triangle depends on how distant you are from the concerning person. If you are close, then the concentrated triangle is between the eyes and chest (or breasts). And in the case of distant encounters, it is between eyes and crotch. This is often called intimate gaze, and usually men and women use intimate gaze to show interest in each other and those who are interested will return the gaze.

Here are some tips to you where to look while talking to a person..
  1. If you want to dominate the conversation, focus on the space between the person's eyebrows.
  2. If you want to appear equal, try maintaining eye contact.
  3. If you want to flirt, do that "triangle" (eye, lips, eye).
  4. If you are deaf, concentrate on lips and try reading their movements.
  5. If you're talking to your boss, teacher or higher official, concentrate in between nose and eyes and avoid direct eye contact to be safe.
And Do you know eyes speak a lottttttt....

"The eyes are the window to the soul" — this must be one of the most often used proverbs in the English language. But this is really a big psychological thing and I don't wanna many psychologists to be born after reading this, So, will give the meaning of expressions later.

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