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Saturday 6 August 2016

I'll be there for you,'cause you are there for me too

Is it really important to have friends????

What is your answer buggers?Some will be on Yes and some on Ok may or may not.You come with different answers.So,think of your lives without them,if you have a bunch.If you don't have friends no need to talk I guess,because you missed a lot.

The creatures we don’t share a drop of blood with, yet hold the closest spot in our hearts. The crazy bunch of idiots who laugh shamelessly in our faces at the most embarrassing moments, yet make us strong in the tough times. The ones that call ugly and fat all our life yet get angry when someone else disrespects. The bunch of people who our parents trust more than us. In short, “Siblings from different mother.” That’s what friends are.

Friends are our family outside the closed walls of house. They have a huge contribution in making us who we are as individuals. Their importance in life is indescribable. But these are certain points that will restate some of the facts that make friends so special and important –

Unlimited laughter, adventure and fun!

Friends are the open and free access to ultimate laughs and fun times. There is no need of topics to laugh on. They can make us roll on the floor laughing even without any funny reason. It’s true to say, when a group of friends are together, the comic level is higher than any comedy show!

Unconditional love.

Our parents love us because we are their children. Our wives or husbands love us because of the marriage. Our family loves us because we share blood. However, friends love us without any such condition or relation. They unconditionally love and care for us without expectations and assurances. We get to share the most amazing kind of love and relation with friends.

Always available.

Especially after school and college days, friends tend go to different directions in life thus geographically separate. However, the hearts always remain together. With good friends, we are assured that even after years of separation; they will always show up when in need. It may be 3am in the night or 12 noon, friends are forever ready to help.

No one in the world, understand our thinking, dreams and desires like friends do. Plus, the main reason of choosing to do friendship is to be with someone who understands and does not judge. Our friends generally have common ideology and opinions, hence it becomes easy for them to perceive.


They know us inside out. They know our flaws, weaknesses, ugly truths, dark past, and insecurities and still choose to remain by our side. Friends accept and love us for who we are. They do not intend to chance us like our parents, girlfriends or boyfriends.

The shoulder to cry on.
When heartbreaks or other situations become extremely hard to tolerate, friends offer us their shoulder to shed our tears on. They provide us the loving warm arms that wrap us away from the harsh times.

Away from loneliness.

Being alone, away from the world, can be appealing at times but loneliness for extended period becomes extremely depressing. Hence, friends come as the cure for loneliness. They are our full-time companion in a stranger’s parties, receivers of the late night calls, partner in the class benches and are always present by our sides. Imagining a world without friends, and being alone in the outside world forever is a massive pain to the brain

    1. Share secrets

    2. Friends are the secret reservoirs. Friends are the ones to share all the little and large secrets and happening of the life. Secrets about our crush,our family problems, the mishaps, the embarrassing moments, the funny stories and the list covers anything and everything in life.

Hence we should never miss the chances to appreciate our friends for their time, care, love and simply friendship. So let’s go tell them how much we love them!Wish your friend whole heatedly "HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY" and assure them that you'll be there for him.

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