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Wednesday 3 August 2016



When is your birthday?That day seems so special for you na. Of course on the dark side you don't know how those many years have passed in your life.Your mom and dad bless you anyway and give special gifts.You will be busy with phone calls and the most magical moment of birthday is BIRTHDAY BUMPS.You feel very painful but there's a great tradition after this.Lets see people.,

In French-speaking Canada, the U.S. and Australia, "birthday punches" are given in a similar fashion, with the person whose birthday it is being punched a number of times equal to his/her age, often with one additional punch "for luck".In some places, instead of a punch "for luck," the recipient is pinched "to grow an inch." In Brazil, Hungary, Argentina, Italy, and other countries, the person has his/her earlobes pulled.The Hungarian tradition also involves at the same time as pulling the earlobes wishing the person a happy birthday or reciting a rhyme whose English translation is "God bless you, live so long so your ears reach your ankles."

Most of us have, at least once, grabbed our friends and lifted them up in the air or kicked their derriere on their birthday as a part of the popular birthday bumps custom. While this is considered a source of fun, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay recently sent out a notice, banning birthday bumps on their campus. According to the notice, any such activities would be considered an offence equivalent to ragging. The ban has brought the focus back on this age-old tradition that still remains an integral part of birthday celebrations.

Another variation is "Engagement bumps" given to the bride following the exchange of rings.Another variation, common in Scotland, is called "the dumps" (often referred to as "the bumps"). It is similar to "the bumps", but after the chorus of Happy Birthday, the child is thumped on the back or arm several times, once for each year of their life, again typically with "one for luck!"Another version in India practiced usually among boys is to hold the arms and legs of the birthday boy, and kick him in the buttocks with or without shoes. This can be done gently, or in a manner which causes pain depending on the level of frustration the kicker has on the kicked. The belief is that all anger and bitter feelings which the kickers have on the kicked are vented and forgotten on the birthday of the kicked. The bumps are not only for the birthday boy. Students getting job while on campus,students winning awards, a very irritating student are also kicked in their buttocks.

"The bumps", or "the dumps" in Scotland, a birthday torment common in countries such as the UK, Ireland, Canada, and India, involves the friends and family of the person whose birthday it is taking him or her by the arms and legs, and "bumping" him/her up into the air and down onto the floor. The number of "bumps" given equals the age of the person in years plus one "for luck".Usually "the Bumps" are administered only to children, in part because as people grow up they become too heavy for the process.Sometimes bumps are also referred to as kicks where the person celebrating their birthday is held by their arms and legs and their friends kick them. This practice is often disapproved in regard to health and safety concerns.

As a funny hackneyed phrase says,"Rules are for Fools"...Enjoy your birthday whole heartedly because those memories with your friends wont come back....Happy birthdays for you all in advance and belated. Au revoir.

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