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Saturday 27 August 2016

My Mirror is Broken:)))

Hey guys and gals,
                              How are your days going??Today a topic which flashed across my mind is about broken relationships.Let me propose my own views.

When we are close to anyone it seems nice and we don't know how those days pass with our dear ones.It may be your close friends,dearer family members or your compeer er.One fine day some unknown disturbance occurs between them and the harshness in that relation remains with us.

Its really awestruck then.I think in our break ups or when we are departed form a close friend of us for any other reason then the tenderness in that relation always nags.Then you come to know the do's and don'ts."Rather than repenting and crying over the spill milk its always better to handle it with care";As one of the axiom specifies.It even applies to our tie-ups.

As my previous posting on eyes,When we face the person who we troubled or were troubled by us; we remain silent and our eyes will go to the past,they collect all the memories and compare the present with past.Our brain suffers a lot when we are emotionally disturbed than physically.

Controlling emotions is a prominent issue in this hell whole on earth.When a couple gets divorced it is the responsibility of both of  them.As partially mistake falls on others also.Do not blame others for them being stupid as we may be tricked in their hands for our stupidity.

So,strive hard to make your relations successful and favorable results and awesome memories are gonna bind with you in journey of your life.

Friday 26 August 2016

Falling for those, but they don't know yet!!!!

Hey guys,
               What do you look in a person when you're talking to them??? Of course, you'll be having your own spots...Hahaha.Let me be straight. More than 75% people see eyes. Yes true,, So, these mean a lot and have much weight-age So, many boys and girl run after beauty saloons to maintain them flamboyantly. And many magical moments happen with those eyes.

Gaze depends on the context you are talking about. Generally, talks can be divided into Business talks, Social talks and Intimate talks. 

While having a business discussion, you need to concentrate on a person's forehead imagining a triangle on it. If you keep your gaze directed in this area, you create a serious atmosphere and the other person senses that you mean business.


If you are having a social talk,
then let the gaze drop below the person's eye level, again imagining a triangle, this time between eyes and mouth


In the case of intimate talks, the gaze is across the eyes and below the chin to other parts of the person's body. However, triangle depends on how distant you are from the concerning person. If you are close, then the concentrated triangle is between the eyes and chest (or breasts). And in the case of distant encounters, it is between eyes and crotch. This is often called intimate gaze, and usually men and women use intimate gaze to show interest in each other and those who are interested will return the gaze.

Here are some tips to you where to look while talking to a person..
  1. If you want to dominate the conversation, focus on the space between the person's eyebrows.
  2. If you want to appear equal, try maintaining eye contact.
  3. If you want to flirt, do that "triangle" (eye, lips, eye).
  4. If you are deaf, concentrate on lips and try reading their movements.
  5. If you're talking to your boss, teacher or higher official, concentrate in between nose and eyes and avoid direct eye contact to be safe.
And Do you know eyes speak a lottttttt....

"The eyes are the window to the soul" — this must be one of the most often used proverbs in the English language. But this is really a big psychological thing and I don't wanna many psychologists to be born after reading this, So, will give the meaning of expressions later.

Monday 22 August 2016

this question is too tough to face!!!!!!!!!

There will be day where we are gonna realize what we are,who we are??People!!!!we be very free in our attitude till a certain age and we don't know that our time to live and lead in the world has come so fastly. When questioned in our heart,we get many flaws on ourselves.

So,stay away from the question ere in your life.Its always better to work out now than repenting over it.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Why are we attracted to?????????

Hey guys,
               After a long time I've been here to share some stuff with you.I was really overwhelmed to listen to this but its true.Even you guys check out this.Yeah here it is.Do you have a friend of opposite sex???Are you by any chance attracted to him/her??The psychology says something about it.Let me share with you.This is not for MUGGUS,please go on and look into your books dude....

The friends in the 90s sitcom Friends were often anything but. I lost track of how many times Ross and Rachel got together and broke up, only to hop back into the sack by the time the season finale rolled around. Then Chandler and Monica got in on the act, and didn’t Joey and Rachel knock boots for a while too? I forget. But it’s safe to say that when Phoebe finally married Ant-Man, we were all surprised. “But you’ve not been friends with him for ten years…”

Three new scientific papers reveal why even those of us who eschew sweater vests and don’t live in massive rent-controlled Manhattan apartments are sometimes prone to fall for our friends, and explain why so many of us try to remain friends with an ex.

Is it a Man Thing?

Let’s try out a little thought experiment. Think of a specific friend who identifies as a gender you find attractive.

Do you have someone in mind? OK. Now rate how attracted you are to that friend on a scale of 1–9. One means “not at all attracted”, five means “moderately attracted”, and nine means “extremely attracted”.

Research by April Bleske-Rechek, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, shows that women rate their attraction to their male friend at an average of around four; men rate their attraction to their female friend one point higher, at around five.

Men appear to see their opposite-sex friends as possible romantic partners somewhat more than women do.
Or do they? Bleske-Rechek wondered if men and women differed in their ratings because of the type of friend they were imagining. Perhaps when you ask a woman to think of a male friend, she does just that. Men, on the other hand, might find their thoughts turning to a female acquaintance they wish was more than a friend.In a new follow up study, Bleske-Rechek, had two research assistants approach male-female pairs of adults in a university student union. The research assistants invited the pairs to take part in a psychology experiment. Those who agreed were asked to stand apart from one another and then given a survey to complete.

The survey included questions about each volunteer’s attraction to the other person in their pair. The volunteers also reported if they and their partner were in a relationship, were just friends, or knew each other in some other capacity.

Bleske-Rechek examined the data for the pairs in which both members stated that they were friends. She found that men rated the attractiveness of their friend at around four, and women rated the attractiveness of their friend at around 3.5: a difference revealed by statistical analysis to be non-significant. In other words, men appear to be no more or less attracted to their opposite-sex friends than women are.

This suggested that Bleske-Rechek’s theory could be correct: perhaps when men are asked to think of a female friend, they don’t think of a woman they hang out with at the student union but instead of the most attractive woman they know, even if she barely qualifies as a friend.

To find out for sure if she was right, Bleske-Rechek had around 300 young men and women think of an opposite-sex friend. Then she asked those same volunteers which of two definitions fit their friend best: “A person of the opposite sex who is a friend” or “A person of the opposite-sex who I am physically attracted to.” Volunteers were free to select both definitions if they wished.

The researchers found that 42% of men, but 66% of women, chose “a friend of the opposite-sex”. Another 42% of men, but only 29% of women, chose “A person of the opposite-sex who I am physically attracted to”. As much as 17% of men, but only 5% of women, thought both definitions described their friend.

It seems Bleske-Rechek was correct: men may be more attracted to their opposite-sex friends than women are, but only when men are given a free choice of which friend to consider. Given a free choice, the first friend a man thinks of will be someone he finds alluring. Women are more likely to think of someone they have relegated to the “friend-zone”.

Escape From the Friend-Zone

Perhaps you’re lucky enough not to have heard of the friend-zone. It’s the limbo to which attractive people send us when they decide that we are definitely not partner-material. Entering the friend-zone is like passing the event horizon of a black hole: just as light cannot escape a black hole, a friend cannot escape the friend-zone.

Anyway, that’s the lay-theory. But what does the research say? If you are attracted to a friend whom you suspect has placed you firmly in the friend-zone, can you convince that friend to reconsider your suitability as a relationship partner?

That’s what Edward Lemay and Noah Wolf of the University of Maryland set out to discover.

For their first experiment, the scientists rounded up 127 pairs of platonic male-female friends. Each of these volunteers completed a series of questionnaires about their attraction to their friend, how much they felt their friend reciprocated their desire, and whether they had ever tried to initiate a romantic relationship with their friend.

Lemay and Wolf found that the attraction between friends was detected by those friends. In other words, we can tell with a good degree of accuracy if our friend is attracted to us. Lemay and Wolf also found that those who were attracted to a friend also thought that their friend reciprocated their desire:we project our feelings onto our friends, assuming that if we like them, they must like us too. This projection effect was stronger than the accuracy effect. In short, we’re delusional.

But this delusion could be useful. If we kid ourselves into believing that our friends are attracted to us as much as we are attracted to them, we are more likely to take a chance on initiating a romantic relationship with them. A chance we may not have taken if we were more accurate in our perceptions. If we knew that our friends didn't dig us the way we dug them, then we would remain confined to the friend-zone forever.
Now, you may have spotted a flaw in this plan. If you hit on a friend who likes you less than you like them, surely they will knock you back. What’s to gain from self-delusional overconfidence?

Lemay and Wolf carried out a second experiment, this time following 102 pairs of male-female friends over the course of a month. This allowed them to follow how friends’ perceptions of one another developed over time. They found that volunteers whose friend attempted to initiate a relationship with them came to desire that friend more over time.
As Lemay and Wolf put it:
Initially biased perceptions appeared to motivate behavior that resulted in targets [i.e. the desired friend] confirming those perceptions, the hallmark of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So there you go: with concerted effort, you can claw your way out of the friend-zone. If you fancy your friend, and let them know it, your desire could inflame theirs and lead to a long and fulfilling relationship.
So there you go: with concerted effort, you can claw your way out of the friend-zone. If you fancy your friend, and let them know it, your desire could inflame theirs and lead to a long and fulfilling relationship.

Staying Friends with an Ex

Or your relationship could crash and burn. In which case, you may hear your erstwhile partner suggest “let’s just be friends”.

But should you stay friends with an ex? And would you want to?

Justin Mogilski and Lisa Welling of the Oakland State University in Michigan decided to investigate the motivations of male-female couples to maintain their friendship after the spark has gone from their romantic relationship.

First, they asked 348 volunteers to brainstorm reasons why a person might want to remain friends with a partner after a split. The volunteers came up with a sizable list of 153 unique and specific justifications for maintaining a friendship with an ex.

Next, Mogilski and Welling recruited another 513 men and women who had experienced at least one break up. These volunteers rated the importance of each of the 153 reasons, and completed a barrage of personality questionnaires.Many of the reasons tended to cluster together: if a person thought one reason was important, there was  high chance they would find another, similar reason equally important. This allowed the researchers to classify the reasons into sets based around a theme.
One set of reasons seemed to be all about the reliability or sentimental value of the ex: volunteers who said they would maintain a friendship with a partner because they were a great listener, also said that they valued their ex’s advice, found them dependable, or that it felt normal to be around them.

Another set of reasons were pragmatic: the ex had a lot of money, would buy their former partner food or gifts, had attractive friends or useful social connections, or were a fallback plan.

A third set of reasons were about continued romantic attraction: participants might still have feelings for their ex, hate the idea of their ex being with someone else, or want to make their ex’s future partners uncomfortable. An opposite set of reasons was also evident: some participants wanted to be friends with an ex because they no longer found them attractive (these reasons are presumably about why one might want to put an end to the sexual component of a relationship with a partner who is otherwise good company).

Some volunteers had social ties to their ex that were difficult to break: they shared a child, they worked in the same office, or they supported each other through illness.Others thought it was most important to maintain their social relationships: to prevent awkwardness among a shared friendship group, or to stay on good terms with shared friends.

And, of course, there were those who focused on perhaps the most obvious reason for maintaining a relationship with an ex: to keep having sex with them.

Of these seven sets of reasons, the most important was the first: reliability or sentimental value of the partner. Most people wanted to stay friends with an ex because they liked them, and liked being around them. Pragmatic reasons were the lowest rated set, although men rated pragmatic reasons as more important than women did (perhaps predictably, men also thought sexual access was a more valid reason).

As for personality, those who scored high on antagonism and extroversion, or low on honesty and humility, cited pragmatic reasons and sexual access reasons as more important for maintaining a relationship with an ex.

So, if your ex likes to argue, is loud and obnoxious, dishonest, and lacking in humility you should answer “no” when they ask “can we stay friends?” But you probably knew that: after all, you already dumped the loser.

So,,,,,,please awake and think of your status with your friends.

Thursday 11 August 2016


I'm here to share some interesting facts with you.

    Something you Donno.

    1.The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old!
    2.The word “gorilla” is derived from a Greek word meaning, “A tribe of hairy women.”
    3.A Swedish woman lost her wedding ring, and found it 16 years later- growing on a carrot in her garden.

    4.It is considered good luck in Japan when a sumo wrestler makes your baby cry.
    5.If 33 million people held hands, they could make it all the way around the equator.
    6.Just like fingerprints, everyone has different tongue prints.
    7.111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
    8.Blue-eyed people tend to have the highest tolerance of alcohol.
    9.If a pregnant woman has organ damage, the baby in her womb sends stem cells to help repair the organ.
    10. Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.
    11.Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump.
    12. Boxing is the only sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the winner until the contest ends.
    13.The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

    14.The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
    15.Women blink nearly twice as much as men!
    16.You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
    17. It is impossible to lick your elbow.

    18. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
    19. An average person spent 24 years of his life in sleeping.
    20.A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and no one knows why.
    21.Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
    22.If you eat a polar bear liver, you will die. Humans can’t handle that much vitamin A.
    23.You can’t read while dreaming, or tell the time
    24.When a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever and ever.
    25.Go to Google homepage and type the words “I want to commit suicide”. Above all the search results, Google provides the Suicide Helpline number of your country.
    26.Go to Google Maps. Click on the satellite view and zoom out as much as possible. You can see an amazing view of earth with real time shadows. You can see real time clouds if you zoom in twice. Pretty amazing, right?

    27.Type any number in the search bar and Google will spell it out for you.
    28. Al Pacino was the first “face” on Facebook
    29.Facebook’s ‘Like’ button used to be the ‘Awesome’ button.
    30.Friendship is good for your health.

    Hope you learned at least few which you dont know.Keep Learning

    Wednesday 10 August 2016

    Time flies when you dive into those virtual worlds – it’s surreal sometimes.

    When you work at any job that requires long hours sitting at a computer – programming, accounting, writing – it is very easy to stay in that one position for eight to nine working hours every day.

    Sure, you might get up for a drink of water, a bathroom break, or for lunch, but I’m sure you can remember days when, before you knew it, you’d been sitting in that chair for two to four hours at a time. Deep down you know that sitting for such long period of time can’t be good, but really, how bad can it be?

    Killing Yourself by Sitting

    Look, I’m not about to start preaching turning off the computer and going for a long walk this very moment. I love computers. I don’t think I’ll ever quit sitting in front of a computer – but when you really start looking at the facts, it isn’t so much the fact that we’re all sitting in front of a computer, it’s the fact that we’re doing it for such long stretches of time without any break.

    It’s important to understand just how seriously this behavior can affect you, because the threat is very real and it’s significant. There are four categories of health that studies show sitting too long can impact – cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

    Overall – You’ll Die a Lot Earlier

    Countless studies show time and time again that being physically inactive leads to a whole list of health problems that will kill you. Taking everything into account, the World Health Organization reports that being physically inactive comes in fourth as a leading risk factor for death. That’s Death with a capital D.

    Sit Too Long Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer

    It seems like everything causes Cancer these days. Cellphones. Microwaves. Cat scans and X-Rays. But sitting?
    Yup. Sitting increases your risk of getting cancer in a very big way. The American Institute for Cancer Research held its annual conference early in 2012 and highlighted at that conference were specific research findings showing that 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 cases of colon cancer in the U.S. could be linked to inactivity.It seems like such a cop-out doesn’t it? Like, researchers can’t find a specific correlation so they point at the fact that most of the people that got cancer sat around a whole lot. 

    That Chair May Give You Diabetes and Heart Disease

    Okay, so you know if you don’t give yourself at least a minute break every hour or so, you could be in for some trouble down the road with the C word, but is cancer the only concern (as though that’s not bad enough on its own)?
    Well, unfortunately, Diabetes is the other risk factor when it comes to sitting around for hours at a time.One study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, took into account published scientific studies dating from 1970 all the way to 2011 and found that collectively, the data from those studies reveal a clear correlation between more than two hours of TV viewing time and risk factors for type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease. The risk of heart disease increased by 15 percent. For diabetes, the risk increased by 20 percent for people that watched TV more than two hours a day. 20 percent!

    Sitting Too Long and Obesity.

    It should come as no surprise to anyone that if you sit too long during the day, you’ll get fat. So I’m not going to bore you with research that proves that, it’s pretty obvious. However, there was one particular study related to obesity and sitting too long that really threw me for a loop.

    Clearly, the inactivity of sitting burns fewer calories and most people likely are not cutting down on calories just because they’re sitting so long (in fact, they’re probably snacking more), so that positive calorie balance will go directly to your bottom – or for some people, their spare tires.

    But did you know that the mechanical pressure on your backside itself literally forces the cells in your fanny to transform into larger fat cells? Crazy right? It’s true.

    Guys,So be aware and take care of your health.......

    Sunday 7 August 2016


    When you hurt anyone,you go with sorry;Similarly when you are helped by others you say thank you to them.These words have become conventional and we repeat them for silly reasons.But are they coming right from our heart?We don't care about it.Gratitude is a strong word and a good one where we all need to practice.If anyone helps us we owe them one for sure,because they brought us from difficult situations.

    The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems

    People Practice gratitude....Now on

    Saturday 6 August 2016

    I'll be there for you,'cause you are there for me too

    Is it really important to have friends????

    What is your answer buggers?Some will be on Yes and some on Ok may or may not.You come with different answers.So,think of your lives without them,if you have a bunch.If you don't have friends no need to talk I guess,because you missed a lot.

    The creatures we don’t share a drop of blood with, yet hold the closest spot in our hearts. The crazy bunch of idiots who laugh shamelessly in our faces at the most embarrassing moments, yet make us strong in the tough times. The ones that call ugly and fat all our life yet get angry when someone else disrespects. The bunch of people who our parents trust more than us. In short, “Siblings from different mother.” That’s what friends are.

    Friends are our family outside the closed walls of house. They have a huge contribution in making us who we are as individuals. Their importance in life is indescribable. But these are certain points that will restate some of the facts that make friends so special and important –

    Unlimited laughter, adventure and fun!

    Friends are the open and free access to ultimate laughs and fun times. There is no need of topics to laugh on. They can make us roll on the floor laughing even without any funny reason. It’s true to say, when a group of friends are together, the comic level is higher than any comedy show!

    Unconditional love.

    Our parents love us because we are their children. Our wives or husbands love us because of the marriage. Our family loves us because we share blood. However, friends love us without any such condition or relation. They unconditionally love and care for us without expectations and assurances. We get to share the most amazing kind of love and relation with friends.

    Always available.

    Especially after school and college days, friends tend go to different directions in life thus geographically separate. However, the hearts always remain together. With good friends, we are assured that even after years of separation; they will always show up when in need. It may be 3am in the night or 12 noon, friends are forever ready to help.

    No one in the world, understand our thinking, dreams and desires like friends do. Plus, the main reason of choosing to do friendship is to be with someone who understands and does not judge. Our friends generally have common ideology and opinions, hence it becomes easy for them to perceive.


    They know us inside out. They know our flaws, weaknesses, ugly truths, dark past, and insecurities and still choose to remain by our side. Friends accept and love us for who we are. They do not intend to chance us like our parents, girlfriends or boyfriends.

    The shoulder to cry on.
    When heartbreaks or other situations become extremely hard to tolerate, friends offer us their shoulder to shed our tears on. They provide us the loving warm arms that wrap us away from the harsh times.

    Away from loneliness.

    Being alone, away from the world, can be appealing at times but loneliness for extended period becomes extremely depressing. Hence, friends come as the cure for loneliness. They are our full-time companion in a stranger’s parties, receivers of the late night calls, partner in the class benches and are always present by our sides. Imagining a world without friends, and being alone in the outside world forever is a massive pain to the brain

      1. Share secrets

      2. Friends are the secret reservoirs. Friends are the ones to share all the little and large secrets and happening of the life. Secrets about our crush,our family problems, the mishaps, the embarrassing moments, the funny stories and the list covers anything and everything in life.

    Hence we should never miss the chances to appreciate our friends for their time, care, love and simply friendship. So let’s go tell them how much we love them!Wish your friend whole heatedly "HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY" and assure them that you'll be there for him.

    Friday 5 August 2016

    Choose the correct option...!!!

    This is really a dull hi actually.Today my day is literally disgusting.I will let you know what had happened.How do you feel when some one erupted in derision about what you do(on your career).So here's how it goes.

    How humiliated do you feel when some one comment on your face about what you do and the way you behave.Today when we were in aptitude class,we had an incredible professor who is from IIT Kanpur,to train us.He has got really really extreme skill set.We enjoyed the way he out-spoke.Those words touched my heart and made a great sense and I think it is my first and best lesson till now.

    He told tricks in Aptitude,for about half-n-hour.But remaining time i.e;3 1/2 hours he went across the globe with his talks and took the wind out of sails.Of course we enjoyed till some time,but later he commented that what we do is wrong,waste,holy crap what not every sensor word can be included here.I think I have never come across such type of talking in my life.We were about to step into our careers for about a month,and what the freak is he?But his words made a sense to me personally.

    Dear People,If you choose a career option then consult those who are experienced,as well as pick one which has future scope.Let me give you a real life example....What did you guys think of your career to be?You choose a branch in your Graduation.You take it because your parents might have forced you/your friends opted it/by seeing those who are well settled in it.But let me compare it with another live situation.Which phone did you guys used before 10 years,before 5 years and now...See there is an amendment in what you use.And life before 10 years and after is completely different.So,what did you get. Do not blindly follow your elder generations by looking at their status and stature.

    Bring up your dreams and don't let them die beneath.Follow what has better compatibility in future."We cant expect any shit from the future,never ever cant change the past;we are left with today."

    I came to know how dumb decisions  we can make in our life.But I think I have a ray of hope on my career.Never again choose a wrong decision in my life,At least hope so.Be serious cronies,next 40 years of your life in one selection.

    Wednesday 3 August 2016



    When is your birthday?That day seems so special for you na. Of course on the dark side you don't know how those many years have passed in your life.Your mom and dad bless you anyway and give special gifts.You will be busy with phone calls and the most magical moment of birthday is BIRTHDAY BUMPS.You feel very painful but there's a great tradition after this.Lets see people.,

    In French-speaking Canada, the U.S. and Australia, "birthday punches" are given in a similar fashion, with the person whose birthday it is being punched a number of times equal to his/her age, often with one additional punch "for luck".In some places, instead of a punch "for luck," the recipient is pinched "to grow an inch." In Brazil, Hungary, Argentina, Italy, and other countries, the person has his/her earlobes pulled.The Hungarian tradition also involves at the same time as pulling the earlobes wishing the person a happy birthday or reciting a rhyme whose English translation is "God bless you, live so long so your ears reach your ankles."

    Most of us have, at least once, grabbed our friends and lifted them up in the air or kicked their derriere on their birthday as a part of the popular birthday bumps custom. While this is considered a source of fun, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay recently sent out a notice, banning birthday bumps on their campus. According to the notice, any such activities would be considered an offence equivalent to ragging. The ban has brought the focus back on this age-old tradition that still remains an integral part of birthday celebrations.

    Another variation is "Engagement bumps" given to the bride following the exchange of rings.Another variation, common in Scotland, is called "the dumps" (often referred to as "the bumps"). It is similar to "the bumps", but after the chorus of Happy Birthday, the child is thumped on the back or arm several times, once for each year of their life, again typically with "one for luck!"Another version in India practiced usually among boys is to hold the arms and legs of the birthday boy, and kick him in the buttocks with or without shoes. This can be done gently, or in a manner which causes pain depending on the level of frustration the kicker has on the kicked. The belief is that all anger and bitter feelings which the kickers have on the kicked are vented and forgotten on the birthday of the kicked. The bumps are not only for the birthday boy. Students getting job while on campus,students winning awards, a very irritating student are also kicked in their buttocks.

    "The bumps", or "the dumps" in Scotland, a birthday torment common in countries such as the UK, Ireland, Canada, and India, involves the friends and family of the person whose birthday it is taking him or her by the arms and legs, and "bumping" him/her up into the air and down onto the floor. The number of "bumps" given equals the age of the person in years plus one "for luck".Usually "the Bumps" are administered only to children, in part because as people grow up they become too heavy for the process.Sometimes bumps are also referred to as kicks where the person celebrating their birthday is held by their arms and legs and their friends kick them. This practice is often disapproved in regard to health and safety concerns.

    As a funny hackneyed phrase says,"Rules are for Fools"...Enjoy your birthday whole heartedly because those memories with your friends wont come back....Happy birthdays for you all in advance and belated. Au revoir.

    Tuesday 2 August 2016

    We are spotters......

    When you ask a friend,about something you don't know whether she is right or not.But you apparently believe him.Here's a neat trick how to find fake things;People who lie look like this and their actions are given in this video by Pamela Meyer.Here it is on LIE SPOTTING