After a long time I've been here to share some stuff with you.I was really overwhelmed to listen to this but its true.Even you guys check out this.Yeah here it is.Do you have a friend of opposite sex???Are you by any chance attracted to him/her??The psychology says something about it.Let me share with you.This is not for MUGGUS,please go on and look into your books dude....
The friends in the 90s sitcom Friends were often anything but. I lost track of how many times Ross and Rachel got together and broke up, only to hop back into the sack by the time the season finale rolled around. Then Chandler and Monica got in on the act, and didnât Joey and Rachel knock boots for a while too? I forget. But itâs safe to say that when Phoebe finally married Ant-Man, we were all surprised. âBut youâve not been friends with him for ten yearsâŠâ
Three new scientific papers reveal why even those of us who eschew sweater vests and donât live in massive rent-controlled Manhattan apartments are sometimes prone to fall for our friends, and explain why so many of us try to remain friends with an ex.
Letâs try out a little thought experiment. Think of a specific friend who identifies as a gender you find attractive.
Do you have someone in mind? OK. Now rate how attracted you are to that friend on a scale of 1â9. One means ânot at all attractedâ, five means âmoderately attractedâ, and nine means âextremely attractedâ.
Research by April Bleske-Rechek, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, shows that women rate their attraction to their male friend at an average of around four; men rate their attraction to their female friend one point higher, at around five.
Bleske-Rechek examined the data for the pairs in which both members stated that they were friends. She found that men rated the attractiveness of their friend at around four, and women rated the attractiveness of their friend at around 3.5: a difference revealed by statistical analysis to be non-significant. In other words, men appear to be no more or less attracted to their opposite-sex friends than women are.
This suggested that Bleske-Rechekâs theory could be correct: perhaps when men are asked to think of a female friend, they donât think of a woman they hang out with at the student union but instead of the most attractive woman they know, even if she barely qualifies as a friend.
Perhaps youâre lucky enough not to have heard of the friend-zone. Itâs the limbo to which attractive people send us when they decide that we are definitely not partner-material. Entering the friend-zone is like passing the event horizon of a black hole: just as light cannot escape a black hole, a friend cannot escape the friend-zone.
Anyway, thatâs the lay-theory. But what does the research say? If you are attracted to a friend whom you suspect has placed you firmly in the friend-zone, can you convince that friend to reconsider your suitability as a relationship partner?
Thatâs what Edward Lemay and Noah Wolf of the University of Maryland set out to discover.
For their first experiment, the scientists rounded up 127 pairs of platonic male-female friends. Each of these volunteers completed a series of questionnaires about their attraction to their friend, how much they felt their friend reciprocated their desire, and whether they had ever tried to initiate a romantic relationship with their friend.
Lemay and Wolf found that the attraction between friends was detected by those friends. In other words, we can tell with a good degree of accuracy if our friend is attracted to us. Lemay and Wolf also found that those who were attracted to a friend also thought that their friend reciprocated their desire:we project our feelings onto our friends, assuming that if we like them, they must like us too. This projection effect was stronger than the accuracy effect. In short, weâre delusional.
But this delusion could be useful. If we kid ourselves into believing that our friends are attracted to us as much as we are attracted to them, we are more likely to take a chance on initiating a romantic relationship with them. A chance we may not have taken if we were more accurate in our perceptions. If we knew that our friends didn't dig us the way we dug them, then we would remain confined to the friend-zone forever.
Now, you may have spotted a flaw in this plan. If you hit on a friend who likes you less than you like them, surely they will knock you back. Whatâs to gain from self-delusional overconfidence?
Lemay and Wolf carried out a second experiment, this time following 102 pairs of male-female friends over the course of a month. This allowed them to follow how friendsâ perceptions of one another developed over time. They found that volunteers whose friend attempted to initiate a relationship with them came to desire that friend more over time.
As Lemay and Wolf put it:
Initially biased perceptions appeared to motivate behavior that resulted in targets [i.e. the desired friend] confirming those perceptions, the hallmark of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So there you go: with concerted effort, you can claw your way out of the friend-zone. If you fancy your friend, and let them know it, your desire could inflame theirs and lead to a long and fulfilling relationship.
So there you go: with concerted effort, you can claw your way out of the friend-zone. If you fancy your friend, and let them know it, your desire could inflame theirs and lead to a long and fulfilling relationship.
Staying Friends with an Ex
Or your relationship could crash and burn. In which case, you may hear your erstwhile partner suggest âletâs just be friendsâ.
But should you stay friends with an ex? And would you want to?
Justin Mogilski and Lisa Welling of the Oakland State University in Michigan decided to investigate the motivations of male-female couples to maintain their friendship after the spark has gone from their romantic relationship.
First, they asked 348 volunteers to brainstorm reasons why a person might want to remain friends with a partner after a split. The volunteers came up with a sizable list of 153 unique and specific justifications for maintaining a friendship with an ex.
Next, Mogilski and Welling recruited another 513 men and women who had experienced at least one break up. These volunteers rated the importance of each of the 153 reasons, and completed a barrage of personality questionnaires.Many of the reasons tended to cluster together: if a person thought one reason was important, there was high chance they would find another, similar reason equally important. This allowed the researchers to classify the reasons into sets based around a theme.
One set of reasons seemed to be all about the reliability or sentimental value of the ex: volunteers who said they would maintain a friendship with a partner because they were a great listener, also said that they valued their exâs advice, found them dependable, or that it felt normal to be around them.
Another set of reasons were pragmatic: the ex had a lot of money, would buy their former partner food or gifts, had attractive friends or useful social connections, or were a fallback plan.
A third set of reasons were about continued romantic attraction: participants might still have feelings for their ex, hate the idea of their ex being with someone else, or want to make their exâs future partners uncomfortable. An opposite set of reasons was also evident: some participants wanted to be friends with an ex because they no longer found them attractive (these reasons are presumably about why one might want to put an end to the sexual component of a relationship with a partner who is otherwise good company).
Some volunteers had social ties to their ex that were difficult to break: they shared a child, they worked in the same office, or they supported each other through illness.Others thought it was most important to maintain their social relationships: to prevent awkwardness among a shared friendship group, or to stay on good terms with shared friends.
And, of course, there were those who focused on perhaps the most obvious reason for maintaining a relationship with an ex: to keep having sex with them.
Of these seven sets of reasons, the most important was the first: reliability or sentimental value of the partner. Most people wanted to stay friends with an ex because they liked them, and liked being around them. Pragmatic reasons were the lowest rated set, although men rated pragmatic reasons as more important than women did (perhaps predictably, men also thought sexual access was a more valid reason).
As for personality, those who scored high on antagonism and extroversion, or low on honesty and humility, cited pragmatic reasons and sexual access reasons as more important for maintaining a relationship with an ex.
So, if your ex likes to argue, is loud and obnoxious, dishonest, and lacking in humility you should answer ânoâ when they ask âcan we stay friends?â But you probably knew that: after all, you already dumped the loser.
So,,,,,,please awake and think of your status with your friends.