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Thursday 20 October 2016

Follow Follow, unluck follows!!!

Great people who are successful, have a lot of history behind them. They come to that stage by crossing many hurdles. Luck is the word which supports an individual at any point of time. Even though we do hard work, till our last moment we don't know what happens. Then we go to depression and we stop doing our duty.But what happens if we stay positive and keep a hope on us.One day every effort made by us reaches to us and then we finally get satisfied for what we have done. But it comes to people at different points of life. Just wait for the right moment to occur. Have a little faith in things you do and hope for the best in all aspects of life.

Unlucky people are those who make idiotic efforts like me in convincing others and waiting for some thing that isn't gonna happen. But some where deep inside the heart, there is this feeling that there is some ray which strikes our mind.But we are not sure of it.May or may not. Lets wait and see till we reach to the crust and core of the earth and fall in burning volcano.

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