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Saturday 10 September 2016


Guys,Guys!!!!Did you miss anyone sooooo badly??What do you feel at that instinct??When you;re missing it stated that something wrong might have happened  between you and that fellow,Right!!

Here it is.We have many people coming across and going in our life.We can't be with them all the time,But there is a little chance of being very nice to them,the days we were together.There is an interesting thing going on here,if we observe.If we were very happy in a relationship with someone,It may be your parents,siblings or your partners,you do not bother about them much.But once you have any gap in relationship,you go on thinking about them only.This is absolutely true.If you don't feel so once check it out.

Just think of a member who is not with you and assess it.Something hell might have happened between you two,But just analyse your status.We have many children yelling at their parents at home out of frustration But they will realize once they face the same situation.Then whats the use of repenting.We are gonna some times loose that person without expressing our feelings towards them.

People,Be Careful in telling someone what you feel,Because time goes on and you cant predict what is gonna happen in next minute.Kindly Behave very nicely to each and every individual and enjoy the sweetest life you have.

We miss someone when we truly love someone no matter whether the other one loves you back or not. Also when we realize the importance of someone we start missing them.

We all miss a friend, closed ones, or our beloved when they go away from us. Some go in form of physical existence on earth, and some go, just because they can't or don't want to connect with us once again. Indeed death of them is more painful. But what if they are still alive and can't connect to us. Because something happened and it all finished. Relationships undergo modifications in time.

No body comes in our life by chance,Everyone is meant to cross our path for a reason
I think, people don't forget people with whom they have spent some part of their life because sooner or later they become a part of our life. The memory loads when we are with them.

Just like while we copy a file to USB, it shows the Copying... window and when it finishes it closes automatically.

The same happens with us, when they are with us we collect memories unknowingly and when it all ends. It shows its nature. The memory stays and keep triggering back on certain situations. The feelings for them can change later but the effect will remain always.

Sometimes you miss your Grandparents, and sometimes them whom you loved so much. Former will leave us soon because they have grown old. But later are still there. If they did good to you, you miss them because they made you happy and if bad, you miss them, yes you miss them don't say no because they gave you experiences.

So, Losing someone either in physical form or in any other gives pain because then you lose a part of yourself.Just like that, when they go away from us we lose an invisible part of our body or heart.And always remember:-

Never blame anyone in life,
because good one's gives happiness,
and bad one's lessons and experiences.

----------This is for every indiviual  who have crossed you in your life:)))

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