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Friday 24 June 2016


I think that sentence might bring an enthused feeling in you and you might be wondering what is it about. Okay  here it is.This is the situation where we all face usually.When we do a mistake or a lot of hell our neighbors feel a lot than our parents.Here comes the thing "AUNTIES GOSSIPING",When anyone is free  they don't know what to do and intrude into other lives and give suggestions to others,It will be very irritating for the sufferers to handle it.As we say in chemistry "THE STATE OF MATTER CHANGES WHEN IT HAS UNDERGONE SOME TRANSFORMATIONS".Similarly when some one pass information it breaks into pieces and sometimes the original information changes.

This happens in most of teenagers lives.When we didn't do anything told by our parents or when we shout at them out of frustration,they feel for an instance and understand our feelings later.But meanwhile aunties who live beside our house ask questions about us and cause inconvenience to our parents.This doesn't stay here they carry these news to other houses like pigeons and they think that they have achieved  greatest thing in world.

This had happened even to me also.A neighbor of mine always intrudes into our lives.When I say no to my mom,or angry on my papa for some reason,she compares me with her daughter and brags about her before my mom.This causes a bitterness in me because there is no privacy in our lives and she doesn't stay quiet also,carries those messages to others.This actually brings a bad impression on me.Even though I'm not that idiot to behave as a monster in house,at times it happens when I get a lot of frustration.

People don't worry about their lives and gossip about others not having any thing to do.If you are also in one of those categories please think about others who are being sufferers."My Dear Aunties Think Of Uncles Who are in your houses and look after them Later you can come to others lives."