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Tuesday 28 June 2016


Hello Everyone,Today I've not made any topic in my mind.I want to make you guys laugh.Just by giving some hilarious jokes.

1.There are mother and a child.Mother is giving advice to her child in this way.
MOTHER: Beti,If any boy approaches you say dont,and if he tries to kiss you say stop.
After a few days
GIRL:Mom,Today a boy approached to me and kissed and as he did both I said DON'T STOP!

2.A Person lost his dog and tells the same with his friend.
FRIEND:Have you tried putting a message on the internet?
HE:Don't be silly my dog never reads emails.

3.Two friends are talking:
Friend 1:Hey,I got married.
Friend 2:Oh that's good.
1:No,that's bad.She's ugly.
2:Oh  that's bad.
1:No that's good.Shes rich.
2:Oh,that's good.
1:No,that's bad.She doesn't give me a penny also.
2:oh,that's bad.
1:No,that's good,She bought me a house.
2:Oh that's good.
1:No that's bad.That house burned yesterday.
2:Oh that's bad
1:No that's good.She's in there.

OMG,this is good bout don't ever try to leave your wife like that.

4.A boyfriend asks his girl friend,
Boy-Friend:Do you wanna hear dirty jokes?
Girl-Friend:Yes,I do.
Boy-Friend:A white horse fell in the mud.

5.A teacher to student
Teacher:Tell,me the formula for H2O?
Teacher:What the hell did you tell?
Student:Mam,Yesterday you told it as H to O,thats what even I said.

6.Before Marriage - - -

Boyfriend: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
Girlfriend: Do you want me to leave?
Boyfriend: NO! Don't even think about it.
Girlfriend: Do you love me?
Boyfriend: Of course! Over and over!
Girlfriend: Have you ever cheated on me?
Boyfriend: NO! Why are you even asking?
Girlfriend: Will you kiss me?
Boyfriend: Every chance I get!
Girlfriend: Will you hit me?
Boyfriend: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
Girlfriend: Can I trust you?
Boyfriend: Yes.
Girlfriend: Darling!
After marriage - simply read from bottom to top.

7.Employer : We need someone for this Job, who is Responsible.
Applicant : Sir, your search ends here, in my previous job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I am Responsible...

8.Once in a bar, one guy said to another.. "I slept with your mom last night."
after that whole bar was waiting another guy's response.

After a while... he laughs and says: Let's go home, Father, you are drunk....

9.In Hotel

A girl with a boy

I want u...
To be with me In a nice Restaurent
To have candle light dinner....
and to say say those sweet three words to U....

"Pay The Bill"

10.Bus conductor: Why are taking two tickets?
Passenger: Because if i lose one that second ticket will save me.
Conductor: what if you lose both?
Passenger: Listen, I am not a fool. I already have my Pass with me.!!!

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