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Sunday 26 June 2016


Whom do you remember when you have any problem?Whom do you get in mind first?Some people think this question very stringently.And go to deeper thoughts,and if you are a great believer in god,you'll automatically get him first to your thoughts.But lets keep him a side and think of the people present on Earth,especially our close ones.

By seeing rich,people think that,"THIS IS THE LIFE EVERYONE WANTS,AND THEY ARE DAMN GOOD".But to be frank when you are involved in their life you get to know the cons in it.Problems may be many,some may be silly and the extent of it depends on the person.For a child going to school is a hell problem at that age,for a middle class guy who wants his/her child to get educated;needs to bear the hefty amount which is a problem for him.So,depending on the age and the degree it matters.

Take a deep breath and think of the bitterest incident you have faced in your life,and whom did you approach for the first instinct.May be your parents,friends and a close relative of yours.Other than these there is no other option for anyone.Some can't have guts to approach and they end their life drastically.So,whom did you think of?

If its other than a family member,you need to try hard for you to withstand the relationship.People are chameleons and they change depending on the situation.Some people blindly believe others and some do not.THE ACTION YOU DO, THE OUTCOME YOU GET.The way we behave with the people depends on the outcome we get when we are in problems.So,when we are very nice to them,they respond in a cool way and lend us a helping hand.

Relations are very strong to maintain and we need to fight with people in this running world.When we greet people with a smile on our face, irrespective of the need our bonds get stronger.If you approach others to whom you haven't talked for a while,if any problem occurs it is really hard to expect any help from them.BE CAREFUL BUDDIES!

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