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Thursday 30 June 2016

Are you satisfied by the way your career is?

Hola people,I'm gonna shoot you with some questions and you guys take a minute and come up with answers.What are you more passionate of?What did you think of your career to be?Did you Follow your passion?

"FOLLOW YOUR PASSION" has become a defining piece of career advice.

The idea is that the key to finding a great career is to identify your greatest interest – “your passion” – and pursue a career involving that interest. It’s an attractive message: just commit to following your passion, and you’ll have a great career. And when we look at successful people, they’re often passionate about what they do.Now, we’re fans of being passionate about your work. Research shows that intrinsically motivating work makes people a lot happier than a big pay cheque. We also think it’s really important to find something you can excel at.

However, there’s four ways “follow your passion” can be misleading advice.

One problem is that it suggests that passion is all you need. But even if you’re interested in the work, if you lack the other key ingredients of job satisfaction that research has shown are important, you’ll still be unsatisfied. If a basketball fan gets a job involving basketball, but works with people he hates, has unfair pay, or finds the work meaningless, he’s still going to dislike his job.In fact, “following your passion” can make it harder to satisfy the other ingredients, because the areas you’re passionate about are likely to be the most competitive, which makes it harder to find a good job.
A second problem is that many people don’t feel like they have a career-relevant passion. Telling them to “follow their passion” makes them feel inadequate. If you don’t have a “passion”, don’t worry. You can still find work work you’re passionate about.Others feel like they have lots of passions, and aren’t sure which one to focus on. We need more precise criteria for comparing our options.
The third problem is that it makes it sound like you can work out the right career for you in a flash of insight. Just think deeply about what truly most motivates you, and you’ll realize your “true calling”. However, research shows we’re bad at predicting what will make us happiest ahead of time, and where we’ll perform best. When it comes to career decisions, our gut is often unreliable. Rather than reflecting on your passions, if you want to find a great career, you need to go and try lots of things.
The fourth problem is that it can make people needlessly limit their options. If you’re interested in literature, it’s easy to think you must become a writer to have a satisfying career, and ignore other options.

But in fact, you can start a career in a new area. If your work helps others, you practice to get good at it, you work on engaging tasks, and you work with people you like, then you’ll become passionate about it. The ingredients of a dream job we’ve found are most supported by the evidence, are all about the context of the work, not the content. Ten years ago, we would have never imagined being passionate about giving career advice, but here we are, writing this article.

Many successful people are passionate, but often their passion developed alongside their success, rather than coming first. Steve Jobs started out passionate about zen Buddhism. He got into technology as a way to make some quick cash. But as he became successful, his passion grew, until he became the most famous advocate of “doing what you love”.
Follow this video and decide.Now decide fellas Have a bright career.

Tuesday 28 June 2016


Hello Everyone,Today I've not made any topic in my mind.I want to make you guys laugh.Just by giving some hilarious jokes.

1.There are mother and a child.Mother is giving advice to her child in this way.
MOTHER: Beti,If any boy approaches you say dont,and if he tries to kiss you say stop.
After a few days
GIRL:Mom,Today a boy approached to me and kissed and as he did both I said DON'T STOP!

2.A Person lost his dog and tells the same with his friend.
FRIEND:Have you tried putting a message on the internet?
HE:Don't be silly my dog never reads emails.

3.Two friends are talking:
Friend 1:Hey,I got married.
Friend 2:Oh that's good.
1:No,that's bad.She's ugly.
2:Oh  that's bad.
1:No that's good.Shes rich.
2:Oh,that's good.
1:No,that's bad.She doesn't give me a penny also.
2:oh,that's bad.
1:No,that's good,She bought me a house.
2:Oh that's good.
1:No that's bad.That house burned yesterday.
2:Oh that's bad
1:No that's good.She's in there.

OMG,this is good bout don't ever try to leave your wife like that.

4.A boyfriend asks his girl friend,
Boy-Friend:Do you wanna hear dirty jokes?
Girl-Friend:Yes,I do.
Boy-Friend:A white horse fell in the mud.

5.A teacher to student
Teacher:Tell,me the formula for H2O?
Teacher:What the hell did you tell?
Student:Mam,Yesterday you told it as H to O,thats what even I said.

6.Before Marriage - - -

Boyfriend: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
Girlfriend: Do you want me to leave?
Boyfriend: NO! Don't even think about it.
Girlfriend: Do you love me?
Boyfriend: Of course! Over and over!
Girlfriend: Have you ever cheated on me?
Boyfriend: NO! Why are you even asking?
Girlfriend: Will you kiss me?
Boyfriend: Every chance I get!
Girlfriend: Will you hit me?
Boyfriend: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
Girlfriend: Can I trust you?
Boyfriend: Yes.
Girlfriend: Darling!
After marriage - simply read from bottom to top.

7.Employer : We need someone for this Job, who is Responsible.
Applicant : Sir, your search ends here, in my previous job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I am Responsible...

8.Once in a bar, one guy said to another.. "I slept with your mom last night."
after that whole bar was waiting another guy's response.

After a while... he laughs and says: Let's go home, Father, you are drunk....

9.In Hotel

A girl with a boy

I want u...
To be with me In a nice Restaurent
To have candle light dinner....
and to say say those sweet three words to U....

"Pay The Bill"

10.Bus conductor: Why are taking two tickets?
Passenger: Because if i lose one that second ticket will save me.
Conductor: what if you lose both?
Passenger: Listen, I am not a fool. I already have my Pass with me.!!!

Monday 27 June 2016


Hello,I've been thinking that I've been too philosophical on my previous posts.Now I've come with a new one which you totally are not aware of.Are you interested in learning a new language or anything then you need to go to ALISON.What is ALISON?Let me give its full form first.ADVANCED LEARNING INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS ONLINE.

ALISON is an e-learning provider and academy founded in Galway, Ireland in 2007 by serial entrepreneur,Mike Feerick. Its stated objective is to enable people to gain basic education and workplace skills.

Actually there are many online MOOC,but we want a certificate which exhibits our skill.Such thing will be provided here for free.By siting in  home at your free time and you can do a certification course for free.Did you get it we take an advantage when its for free.These courses are available for students as well as employees.Depending on their free time you can catch the course.

What courses will it provide?It nearly provide 750+ courses.The intention of providing these courses for free is to reduce unemployment and to excel in your career.This certificate is useful for promotions in certain organisations and for campus placements.But you need to spend some amount if you need hard copy of certificate.The learners of this include the backward women in Africa who are supposed not to move their houses.The main clicking point in this ALISON is it provides those courses which you rarely get outside.That is the most plus point Feerick points about ALISON.

If you are poor in English and you are struggling to get through they give you some tips to excel.Till now they are providing courses to 70 lakh people.The main age group who are in this are 18-34,and 2 lakh people are enrolling in this per month.By 2020 17% of employees in the world will be from India,i.e;They are trying to provide those courses in India depending on the market needs.He recently came on a visit to India and promised to provide courses in Indian languages also.
Excited to have certificates for free,Then why are you still here,Go to https://alison.com.

Sunday 26 June 2016


Whom do you remember when you have any problem?Whom do you get in mind first?Some people think this question very stringently.And go to deeper thoughts,and if you are a great believer in god,you'll automatically get him first to your thoughts.But lets keep him a side and think of the people present on Earth,especially our close ones.

By seeing rich,people think that,"THIS IS THE LIFE EVERYONE WANTS,AND THEY ARE DAMN GOOD".But to be frank when you are involved in their life you get to know the cons in it.Problems may be many,some may be silly and the extent of it depends on the person.For a child going to school is a hell problem at that age,for a middle class guy who wants his/her child to get educated;needs to bear the hefty amount which is a problem for him.So,depending on the age and the degree it matters.

Take a deep breath and think of the bitterest incident you have faced in your life,and whom did you approach for the first instinct.May be your parents,friends and a close relative of yours.Other than these there is no other option for anyone.Some can't have guts to approach and they end their life drastically.So,whom did you think of?

If its other than a family member,you need to try hard for you to withstand the relationship.People are chameleons and they change depending on the situation.Some people blindly believe others and some do not.THE ACTION YOU DO, THE OUTCOME YOU GET.The way we behave with the people depends on the outcome we get when we are in problems.So,when we are very nice to them,they respond in a cool way and lend us a helping hand.

Relations are very strong to maintain and we need to fight with people in this running world.When we greet people with a smile on our face, irrespective of the need our bonds get stronger.If you approach others to whom you haven't talked for a while,if any problem occurs it is really hard to expect any help from them.BE CAREFUL BUDDIES!

Saturday 25 June 2016


Hey guys,here I'm sitting by the window to start writing something on my blog.Its already cloudy  and started to rain; my mind started to wander some where and I was thinking about many who don't even have a shelter,and many questions came to me,such as where do they live?How do they live?How can they live etc etc started in my mind and then I decided that i'm better than them and came to present and choose this topic.

Have you ever thought of about your LIFE?Usually this question strikes you when you are matured and approaching your career very closely.This might be something idiotic question,but to be frank stop reading and think for a while..........What did you get to your mind now.Here's how our life starts usually.

We are born to someone whom we don't even know at that age but as they show much affection and shower love on us,we are habituated to call them as mom and dad and make a mess in our houses unknowingly at that stage.These are the days which we hardly remember.When our papa shows pictures of dress and says that "This is your first birthday dress baby",and your mom shows your photo naked ,I think then we get it into our minds.This happens till 4  I suppose.

Then starts the real thing.Its the time where even parents cant leave us,But they are supposed to, by thinking of our future.But we don't know much at that age,but we cry and mark them as enemies in our mind.Then comes our teacher who loves us and acquaints a nice atmosphere in the class and looks after every kid equally .OMG kids as sweet as they are make a lot of nuisance like wetting their pants,Pooping and I can surely tell that you might have also done such things.But our kindergarten teacher is a lovely angel to bear all this.This continues till our 5th standard.

Later we are gonna able to judge things like what is bad,good etc.And this is also a damn idiotic stage where parents send us to tut ions and coaching institutions aiming for first ranks so that we get published into papers.Every parent thinks that their child should be one among st  toppers.This is what they think about us,but we do have some extra avagations. Here we are gonna learn about love and actually none of our friends knew about it but we excite for that word particularly.Many attractions and I think even you might had a crush on someone or at least you might have thought about an youngster in our mind who is handsome/a girl who is cute looking(if it is a boy).We complete this stage in our life and enter into bachelors degree with a great effort.

BS we are trained to read books and make problems in our +2 stage and don't know much about anything.This is a stage where we are very energetic and right platform to make a decision to mould our career.There will be many new experiences and depends on the persons way of judging a situation;this follows as another story.If you are really good at academics you are gonna grab a job and settle in your life,which is a different issue.But I know you might be boring to read this and waiting for something interesting.If a right person approaches you,you are gonna die for him/her at this stage and definitely it will be a very sweet memory if your love clicks or else a very bitterest incident(which you are gonna share with grand children at later stages).But be firm if you couldn't  get through it, there will be another person in your life who is madly waiting for you to  share an awesome life.
We came till the age of 20's and let me give a pause and ask you what is your life till 20?Had an answer definitely good or else go on thinking till you find an answer.If you are able to read this,it states that your life has gone well without any hurdles and now think of others who are very unlucky to miss these joyful days.
You might have never left your parents,fighting with your sweet sis or bro for computer or tv or for any silly reason,always put a hand for your pocket money before your father,cried for not fulfilling your wishes and shout at everyone if you are not fine.Now you are prepared to enter into a world which is bound to many huge responsibilities.Get prepared to face a world and from now take a wise decision in any aspect of your lives.

Hey I dint talk about life after 20's right.It actually depends on your steps only.But I can tell you about your life after 30's.Because the same repeats.In these days we go to schools and colleges and don't spend time with our family,But after you enter the same track then you get to know the feelings of your parents.Learn to love them and give a lending hand to people who cant enjoy their lives same as you.


Friday 24 June 2016


I think that sentence might bring an enthused feeling in you and you might be wondering what is it about. Okay  here it is.This is the situation where we all face usually.When we do a mistake or a lot of hell our neighbors feel a lot than our parents.Here comes the thing "AUNTIES GOSSIPING",When anyone is free  they don't know what to do and intrude into other lives and give suggestions to others,It will be very irritating for the sufferers to handle it.As we say in chemistry "THE STATE OF MATTER CHANGES WHEN IT HAS UNDERGONE SOME TRANSFORMATIONS".Similarly when some one pass information it breaks into pieces and sometimes the original information changes.

This happens in most of teenagers lives.When we didn't do anything told by our parents or when we shout at them out of frustration,they feel for an instance and understand our feelings later.But meanwhile aunties who live beside our house ask questions about us and cause inconvenience to our parents.This doesn't stay here they carry these news to other houses like pigeons and they think that they have achieved  greatest thing in world.

This had happened even to me also.A neighbor of mine always intrudes into our lives.When I say no to my mom,or angry on my papa for some reason,she compares me with her daughter and brags about her before my mom.This causes a bitterness in me because there is no privacy in our lives and she doesn't stay quiet also,carries those messages to others.This actually brings a bad impression on me.Even though I'm not that idiot to behave as a monster in house,at times it happens when I get a lot of frustration.

People don't worry about their lives and gossip about others not having any thing to do.If you are also in one of those categories please think about others who are being sufferers."My Dear Aunties Think Of Uncles Who are in your houses and look after them Later you can come to others lives."