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Wednesday 11 January 2017

You're right WILL!!!

When the routine life changes a bit,its very difficult for anyone to get accustomed to it.When you are peacefully going on with you're schedule,and suddenly a week holidays were given,you would feel very happy at the start but when you think of what to do all those days,you remain blank literally if you have no work to do.Suddenly you start to think about you're past working days and start comparing what you would have done at the past and feel irritated.We go to a tendency where we are gonna hate ourselves for being in that condition.

In such cases,you might go for googling "WHAT TO DO IN FREE TIME?"This might seem funny but many of us might have done this at any point of time.So, improve new things to do in you're life apart from friends,family etc etc..So,that you will never be in a place where you will be sad and bored.

Friday 23 December 2016

Change is inevitable!!!!

Distance is just a concept in physics,But when it comes to relations it is not that a deal.When we get apart from our dear ones, there will be this ultimate rock steady thing.Indians are familiar with this thing as they are habituated to the love and affection of their parents.But once if a situation comes,where we need to leave them,then starts the story.

When we are meant to leave the people we love,its a difficult thing at first.But change need to be accepted and it is a must also.Life becomes bored when there is nothing different in the way we lead it.So, accept the change and quickly adapt to it.Initially anything is difficult to deal with,but once habituated the rest follows.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Geeks and nerds hurry hurry!!!

People who are fans of technology and wanna grab latest updates can go through the following websites:😊😊😊

1.Tech Crunch

Tech Crunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.

Its network of websites now reach over 12 million unique visitors and draw more than 37 million page views per month. Its community includes more than 2 million friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and other social media.

The company hosts major conferences and events, including the Disrupt series, The Crunchies Awards, and various meet-ups worldwide serving as community platforms for industry conversation and collaboration.

2. Cnet

CNET tracks all the latest consumer technology breakthroughs and shows you what's new, what matters, and how technology can enrich your life. We give you the information, tools, and advice that will help you decide what to buy and how to get the most out of the tech in your life.

It is the premier destination for tech product reviews, news, tips, and award-winning shows. It’s your source of information, tools, and advice to help you decide on the tech to buy and how to get the most from it.

3.The Verge

The Verge was founded in 2011 in partnership with Vox Media, and covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture. Its mission is to offer in-depth reporting and long-form feature stories, breaking news coverage, product information, and community content in a unified and cohesive manner.

The site is powered by Vox Media's Chorus platform, a modern media stack built for web-native news in the 21st century.

4.Techno Buffalo

The content on Techno Buffalo is created by a team of professional writers that are self-proclaimed tech-enthusiasts. Their articles cover a breadth of technology-related issues and topics from everyday uses to the business side of the industry. Posts on Techno Buffalo are not simply rehashes of news found on other sites; instead, each article provides value to the reader through editorial commentary, descriptive ‘how-to’ guides, and immersive video.

It is about experiencing technology, which includes sharing views and opinions with others. Through the site’s reviews, opinions, and news stories, they’ll make sure you lead the tech filled lifestyle that you want, without the missteps of purchasing technology that doesn’t quite live up to its hype or promises. From computer peripherals to video games and major home appliances like televisions, they help you find the technology that best suits your needs.

5.Android Authority

Android Authority is an independent online publication that is a voice for the world of Android & technology. Each and every month we reach over 30 million passionate technology enthusiasts that rely on us for news, reviews, features & product recommendations. Our content team is comprised of experienced tech bloggers, device reviewers, video producers and Android developers. They all share one common interest, a love for Android and a passion to deliver exceptional content.

6.The Next Web

There’s a large and growing group of people who take a special interest in technology. This is what we call Generation T. Their need for information, data and personal connections is increasing.

TNW is a future-proof tech media company that focuses on this cross-generational group and helps them get the most out of technology by informing them through remarkable stories and insights, and by bringing them together through extraordinary events and work spaces.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Follow Follow, unluck follows!!!

Great people who are successful, have a lot of history behind them. They come to that stage by crossing many hurdles. Luck is the word which supports an individual at any point of time. Even though we do hard work, till our last moment we don't know what happens. Then we go to depression and we stop doing our duty.But what happens if we stay positive and keep a hope on us.One day every effort made by us reaches to us and then we finally get satisfied for what we have done. But it comes to people at different points of life. Just wait for the right moment to occur. Have a little faith in things you do and hope for the best in all aspects of life.

Unlucky people are those who make idiotic efforts like me in convincing others and waiting for some thing that isn't gonna happen. But some where deep inside the heart, there is this feeling that there is some ray which strikes our mind.But we are not sure of it.May or may not. Lets wait and see till we reach to the crust and core of the earth and fall in burning volcano.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Doctor,Doctor!! Where is the nurse????

No need to worry.Doctor is safe, so is the nurse!!!Here it is.A very latest trend which we are gonna see in future.The nursing assistant to the hospital might be a robot. This is the implication of research recently published by Dr. Elena De Momi and colleagues in the open access journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI.

De Momi's work indicates that humans and robots can effectively coordinate their actions during high-stakes events such as surgeries.
Over time this should lead to improvements in safety during surgeries because unlike their human counterparts robots do not tire and can complete an endless series of precise movements. The goal is not to remove human expertise from the operating room, but to complement it with a robot's particular skills and benefits.
"As a roboticist, I am convinced that robotic (co)workers and collaborators will definitely change the work market, but they won't steal job opportunities. They will just allow us to decrease workload and achieve better performances in several tasks, from medicine to industrial applications," De Momi explains.

To conduct their experiment De Momi's team photographed a human being conducting numerous reaching motions, in a way similar to handing instruments to a surgeon. These camera captures were input into the neural network of the robotic arm, which is crucial to controlling movements. Next a human operator guided the robotic arm in imitating the reaching motions that the human subject had initially performed. Although there was not a perfect overlap between the robotic and human actions, they were broadly similar.

Finally, several humans observed as the robotic arm made numerous motions. These observers determined whether the actions of the robotic arms were "biologically inspired," which would indicate that their neural networks had effectively learned to imitate human behavior. About 70% of the time this is exactly what the human observers concluded.

These results are promising, although further research is necessary to validate or refine De Momi's conclusions. If robotic arms can indeed imitate human behavior, it would be necessary to build conditions in which humans and robots can cooperate effectively in high stress environments like operating rooms.

This future may not be as far away as we think. De Momi's work is part of the growing field of healthcare robotics, which has the potential to change the way we receive health care sooner rather than later.

Lets wait for "CHITTI", The ROBO

Monday 10 October 2016

Not feb 14th but,

L.O.V.E...,These four letters together make a beautiful word "LOVE". Of course we have been in love with many members in our life and we were also.This is the magical word which holds our relationships strongly.When we come across great love stories, we will feel that if that incident happens us, it would be great.There are many people who met success as well as failures also.But there is also another concept called secret love.

Yeah, This is weird right!!!There are many people who bind their feelings deep in their hearts on the person they love.They never open up, but enjoy the happy moments by admiring them, and live with those.Love is the quintessential emotion of human existence. Few things in life are capable of causing as much joy or as much anguish as love. Love is what holds you together when life tears you apart. Love is among st the few things in the world that makes life worth living. It is one of the most strongest emotion that a human being is capable of feeling. Love is when other person's happiness, other person's dreams, other person's aspirations, other person's problems become your own. There is no separation between you and the other person. Love is when you see someone's face and instantly know what they are feeling. There is this telepathic connection that binds all the people that are in love. Love is the foundation of any happy relationship..

Scientists have often defined love as a chemical imbalance that makes you feel an emotional high, exhilaration, passion and elation when you and the person that you love are together. Dr Helen Fischer in her wonderful TED Talk explains the evolution of love, it's biochemical foundations and it's social importance

"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Co lours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”

So,this is something which you need to think at, and take care of:::)))

Wednesday 21 September 2016


JEALOUS,This is a very difficult thing for us to agree.If anyone says "you're jealous of someone" we don't agree to it.But humans in fact have a minute amount of jealousy.But why do we feel envy towards our friends success??Is there any way to get rid of it???

Here's a real life example of a person,who is simple and a common man.
"I wanted my peers to succeed as long as they didn't see more success than I did. I envy the people who are truly happy for the people around them when they succeed. That's not me. I'm competitive to a fault. 

Other people's success makes me feel insecure. Other people's success makes me think about my mistakes and my failures and my shortcomings. 

Some days the only thing I want to do is sleep and escape. 

Other days I wonder if it will ever work out...or will I just drift through life engaging in one venture after another and then die...without ever achieving anything major while my friends are climbing the ranks at fortune 500 companies. 

It is scary and it was these types of thoughts that ruined my life. 

It was one day in particular. My friend landed a job at Microsoft and another friend landed a job at Google. 

They were thrilled and for good reason. Their life would soon be paved with white picket fences and gated communities. And it hurt me...because my life was one big blur at the time. 

I had no idea where I was going. I was engaged in a variety of different fields, fearful to commit to one. I was driving the car of life with my foot on the break and they were driving the car of life with their foot on the gas. It ruined my day. 

Don't get me wrong, I was happy for them. They deserved those jobs. But it made me feel like crap. 

It's the old crab analogy. Every time a crab tries to get out of the bucket, another crab pulls it down. 

I was the crab trying to pull the other crab down, but it wasn't working. The crab has escaped and now I was left alone in this dark bucket and I was afraid. I saw no light.

I spent days and weeks and months in the bucket. Contemplating and wishing and thinking. 

I was tired of seeing the people around me doing well while I was trying to make the improbable, probable. They were making big money and I was sleeping on couches. 

I had enough. I decided to join them. And I did. I climbed out of the bucket and got a corporate job. 

I wasn't made for the corporate grind, but I sacrificed myself. I killed the part of me that lived for adventure and replaced that portion with somebody who craved stability and comfort. I never did care for stability and comfort, but I made myself care.

I buried my dreams and I settled. I conformed and lowered the brightness on my life until I saw only black and white. 

My time at a corporate job can be summarized by a quote from Charles Bukowski...

"How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 am by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?"

I would look in the mirror and a slave would look back. I couldn't look myself in the eye anymore because I had done what I never wanted to do, settle and embrace mediocrity. 

Mediocrity was my greatest fear and now I had become just like them.

As a young teen I would take the train early in the morning just so I could see the dull faces connected to lifeless bodies that traveled to jobs that were poisoning their blood. 

I made a vow to never turn into one of them. But now here I was...taking the same train...with the same dull look on my face...as I headed to a job that was stabbing me dead in the heart. 

And that was the root cause of my misery. I would be cranky all the time. Pissed off at the world and I would take it out on the people I loved the most. The reason reason I was cranky was because I had buried my dreams, not because my sister forgot to put the lid on the milk. 

I traded my dreams for a measly salary because that's what I saw everyone else do. I didn't want to get left behind so I did the same. I hated every minute of it because I was no longer in control. I gave up the driver seat for the passenger seat...because of my jealousy and envy towards the success of others.

And this, my friend, is the new form of slavery. Spending the prime years of your life doing stuff you hate...because the success of others makes you feel insecure. 

I don't know about you, but I'm not here to spend my life working away on tasks that aren't going to matter two weeks from now. I'm not here to help build my boss's life, I'm here to build my own life. 

If that means dying without ever achieving anything major, so be it. I'll take that risk. I wish I accepted this before I lost my soul working a dead end job." 


Lesson: Every life is special in the sense that it is different. I can't compete with you. And you can't compete with me. The only person I can compete with is the person I was yesterday. Competing with others not only a waste of time but it is a waste of life...because it will get you offtrack and will have you doing stuff you hate...just so you can keep up with the crowd. Don't compete with the crowd. Run in the opposite direction with a smile on your face.